Current News
Wednesday, 20 December 2023 23:44
Vincent and Hoa at Wadeye
Vincent and Hoa at Wadeye Part of MSC formation is mission experience in the NT. Vincent and Hoa are in Wadeye. Hoa writes: The first week in Wadeye has been very rewarding. Although, I must admit, the plane ride to Wadeye was a bit turbulent due to a sudden storm, and …
Monday, 11 December 2023 22:39
.MSC Ordinations, India.
MSC Ordinations, India. Thanks for Malcolm Fyfe MSC for news from a region he knows so well, Late last week, there were two Ordinations to the priesthood for MSC INDIA. The two were Fathers Charles Joseph, aged 31 and Kulandai Arul Raj who will turn 30 in a few days’…
Thursday, 07 December 2023 21:38
Celebrating the MSC Foundation Day, December 8th – 169 years.
Celebrating the MSC Foundation Day, December 8th – 169 years. Feast of the Immaculate Conception From Raincy Church Facebook page, 2021 Homily: Celebration of Perpetual Profession, Daniel Magadia MSC & Quoc Trieu Nguyen MSC Stephen Hackett MSC and a perspective on our spirit. On the eastern outskirts of Paris in…
Wednesday, 06 December 2023 22:17
Kenji Konda, our deacon in Japan, delves into the archives for Archie Bryson MSC.
Kenji Konda, our deacon in Japan, delves into the archives for Archie Bryson MSC. A group photo of the pioneers of the mission in Japan. Archie Bryson is the tall/tallest one. Kenji’s Master’s thesis focussed on the founding of the MSC Mission in Japan. From Jim Littleton's chapter on Archie…
Saturday, 02 December 2023 16:10
A Joyful day for the Australian MSC Province
A Joyful day for the Australian MSC Province Trieu and Daniel make their perpetual profession, St Thomas’ Church, Blackburn, had a capacity congregation for the ceremony. There were three choirs, St Thomas’ Choir, a Vietnamese choir and an Indonesian choir. Readings in Indonesian and Tagalog Stephen Hackett MSC, Provincial Superior,…
Saturday, 25 November 2023 07:29
End of Year, Yarra Theological Union
End of Year, Yarra Theological Union With the Mass on Friday 24th November, the 52nd year of the Yarra Theological Union. Some graduates. Daniel Magadia, Master in Theology, second from right. The MSC were one of the Founding Congregations. In the first year, 1972, 8 current MSC (plus John Rate…
Wednesday, 18 October 2023 22:26
Reflection on the General Chapter – John Mulrooney MSC And with Pope Francis
Reflection on the General Chapter – John Mulrooney MSC And with Pope Francis GENERAL CHAPTER REFLECTION – 2023 At the end of the General Chapter the “Oceanic Territory” group met and we agreed to make a short video on various issues at the Chapter. We also agreed we would write…
Sunday, 08 October 2023 19:27
Sr Anne Gardiner OLSH, 92, heads campaign to save Tiwi Islands church
Sr Anne Gardiner OLSH, 92, heads campaign to save Tiwi Islands church From Cathnews Sr Anne Gardiner OLSH has one wish while she’s still alive – to see the first church where she served on the Tiwi Islands, off the coast of Darwin, restored to its former glory. Source: ABC…
Thursday, 05 October 2023 18:56
A Voice Letter from Wadeye
A Voice Letter from Wadeye We are holding over the Chevalier Family Justice theme till later for a pressing Australian First Friday issue. Leo Wearden has written this letter from Wadeye. He can be contacted: 0402 850 084 and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Dear MSC Confreres Yes to the Voice The MSCs…
Wednesday, 04 October 2023 19:43
Our Chapter Reports, Day 15, Day 16 – and some nostalgia
Our Chapter Reports, Day 15, Day 16 – and some nostalgia for those who have visited the General House. Fifteenth Day, 2nd October, a visit to Via Asmara Photos of the visit and lunch – and some memories of visiting the General House Drone-eye view of lunch in the courtyard…
Tuesday, 03 October 2023 22:47
Chapter audience with Pope Francis. And text of his address.
Chapter audience with Pope Francis. And text of his address. And a range of photos -with thanks to various sites and Facebook pages. And a note. The Vatican text in English says Laymen of the Chevalier Family – dear oh dear!! And it is their title now which says Missionaries…
Monday, 02 October 2023 22:14
Our Chapter Reports, 13th day, 14th day, Latin American perspectives.
Our Chapter Reports, 13th day, 14th day, Latin American perspectives. Thirteenth Day. 30th September by Javier Trapero “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God” (1 John 4:7-16). This text was used for the Communal Wisdom Prayer in the morning. Ho Tombokan, as Host for the…
Saturday, 30 September 2023 21:41
Our Chapter Reports, end of the second week
Our Chapter Reports, end of the second week We have already shared the news of Abzalon’s re-election as Superior General. These are the reports of the sessions. Ninth Day. 26th September by Javier Trapero The ninth day of the 26th MSC General Chapter was the first of the two-day process…
Friday, 29 September 2023 22:43
Two weeks to the Referendum, the Kew Community, MSC Melbourne Community
Two weeks to the Referendum, the Kew Community, MSC Melbourne Community At the poster at our letter box: the young and the old, Daniel Magadia, Paul Castley, Philip Malone, Vincent Pham, Peter Curry, Peter Malone. Hoa behind the camera. Supporting Yes. And, on the occasion of Paul Castley’s 88th birthday,…
Wednesday, 27 September 2023 22:30
Our Chapter Reports, End of the First Week – and Insights from our Laity
Our Chapter Reports, End of the First Week – and Insights from our Laity. Eighth Day. 25th September. by Javier Trapero Like in the Creation story, the seventh day (Sunday) was a day of rest. The formal chapter sessions continued on Monday with the Communal Wisdom Prayer led by Willy…
Tuesday, 26 September 2023 22:27
The Referendum and Voting yes.
The Referendum and Voting yes. Our 2023 Chapter voted in favour of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Support for the Yes vote, Leo Wearden and Wadeye Why I am voting Yes, Pat Walsh (who shared many years of his life with us, at Monivae, many decades supporting Timor…
Monday, 25 September 2023 22:31
Our Chapter Reports, 5th and 6th Days
Our Chapter Reports, Days 5 and 6 Sylvester Warwakai, PNG Provincial (who spent some time at Cuskelly House, Blackburn, and at YTU) Fifth Day. 22nd September, by Javier Trapero This day was dedicated to the memory of the Blessed MSC Martyrs of El Quiché. In the Communal Wisdom Prayer, the…
Friday, 22 September 2023 22:43
Our Chapter Reports, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Days
Our Chapter Reports, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Days Alison McKenzie, General Secretary, Laity of the MSC, addresses the Chapter Second Day. 19th September. by Javier Trapero The day began with Communal Wisdom Prayer. Fr. Chris Chaplin, msc, read the Gospel from the on Emmaus (Luke 24:13-27), the same reading that…
Thursday, 21 September 2023 22:45
Our General Chapter, Reports
Our General Chapter, Reports The Chapter website is posting daily reports and extensive photos by Javier Traperoi. We will continue to post reports as they come to hand. We are on the lookout for our Australian delegates in action! First Day. 18th September by Javier Trapero The day began with…
Tuesday, 19 September 2023 22:15
Our Chapter – opening Mass, and from Abzalon’s homily
Our Chapter – opening Mass, and from Abzalon’s homily Some pictures of the Mass – and if you look closely, you will find Stephen Hackett, John Mulrooney, Tim Brennan and, invited to the Chapter, Alison McKenzie. And Chris Chaplin with the General Councillors. From the Homily There is…
Sunday, 17 September 2023 22:58
MSC General Chapter 2023
MSC General Chapter 2023 Opening, September 17th (Australian time, early hours of 18th. Logo SVD Nemi Building Entry Foyer Posters Meeting Room Space
Friday, 08 September 2023 23:06
Albert Yelds MSC, Funeral Mass, Homily
Albert Yelds MSC, Funeral Mass, Homily Homily, Stephen Dives MSC I came to know Albert Yelds during our time in the Pacific. In the early 1990s I was posted in Fiji. In 1994 I was appointed superior of the MSC Pacific union and moved to Kiribati where the MSC headquarters…
Wednesday, 06 September 2023 21:50
Nungalinya College, Darwin, celebrates 50 years.
Nungalinya College, Darwin, celebrates 50 years. Robyn Reynolds OLSH was the first Catholic Dean of the College Nungalinya College is an adult education college based in Casuarina, a suburb of Darwin in the Northern Territory of Australia. Founded in 1974, it describes itself as a "Combined Churches Training College for…
Tuesday, 05 September 2023 22:51
Melbourne MSC Photos this week
Melbourne MSC Photos this week Getting to YTU and around Blackburn. Vincent and his scooter. And Trieu and his scooter. Meanwhile the Culture Night at YTU, September 1st, organised by the Student Representative Council, Hoa is Secretary and editor of the weekly student Newsletter. Trieu is on the committee. And…
Monday, 04 September 2023 22:22
An OLSH story – Sr Mary Stevens’ Golden Jubilee
An OLSH story – Sr Mary Stevens’ Golden Jubilee From Yarning, diocese of Darwin, by Cruz Ignatius “My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.” With these words Sr Mary Stevens olsh, celebrated her 50th year Jubilee Anniversary of profession as a Daughter of Our Lady…
Monday, 04 September 2023 08:45
RIP Albert Yelds MSC
RIP Albert Yelds MSC Peter Hendriks writes: Albert Yelds died at St Joseph’s Home just before 9:00 pm last night, September 3rd. He was in the presence of his sister, Marie, and Peter Guy. He was 98 years of age and had been a professed MSC for 77 years, ordained…
Sunday, 03 September 2023 22:31
Laity of the MSC Gathering, September, St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park
Laity of the MSC September Gathering, September, St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park The ‘One Heart… Many Stories’ gathering invites participants to encounter their shared story with God within themselves, Creation, their personal and Chevalier Family communities, and the wider world. Let’s explore together what our individual and collective story…
Friday, 01 September 2023 23:00
Some Significant September Days for the Chevalier Family, 2023
Some Significant September Days for the Chevalier Family, 2023 Statue from Holland NOTE: this is an amplified version of Significant Days, combining the list made originally by Cor Novum, Issoudun, now with the addition of dates from Father Jan Bovenmars MSC’s book, Jules Chevalier, Daily Readings. His book was published…
Thursday, 31 August 2023 22:05
Chevalier Family, Justice and Peace, First Friday, September, the month of our General Chapter
Chevalier Family, Justice and Peace, First Friday, September, the month of our General Chapter “Commitment to JPIC should become a way of life for all MSC. As much as possible we’ll collaborate with Networks committed to these issues. Everyone should educate himself so as to be able to analyse and…
Wednesday, 30 August 2023 21:58
OLSH Sisters beginning the celebrations for 2024, 150 years of the Congregation
OLSH Sisters beginning the celebrations for 2024, 150 years of the Congregation 30 August, 1874: Foundation of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart by Father Chevalier in Issoudun, as a Sister Congregation to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. In honour of the commencement of our Jubilee Year,…