Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:23



Bolivia, 1976, 86 minutes, Colour.
Directed by Antonio Eguino.

The Indian name for the City of La Paz, the capital of Bolivia. This Bolivian film is of interest in its presentation of the strata of society in the country. It does so by presenting four different stories and then linking them at the end. The range is from the peasant Indian coming to the city, to the adolescent at loose in the city, to the young man involved in the bureaucratic administration of the city and finally the aristocratic girl at the university. The stories are conventional in their way but are of interest in the light they throw on life in Bolivia in the seventies and Bolivian film-makers presenting and commenting on this.

1. An interesting and enjoyable film? A film from Bolivia? Technical qualities? Content? Social interests and portrait of Bolivians? Observation, critique?

2. Colour photography, score? The use of La Paz as location, the varieties of districts and atmospheres in La Paz? How well were they captured?

3. The story of Isloo: the focus on the young Indian boy, the introduction to La Paz and its Indian name, the introduction to the Indians? Language barriers, culture barriers? The motives for the parents in leaving the boy in the city? The boy and his work, the old lady looking after him? Seeing him at work? Money? Relationship with other boys, the boys ridiculing him? The influence on his life, the prospects for his future? A glimpse of the less privileged of La Paz?

4. The story of Johnnie: the transition to the world of the city, the teenager, the Indian teenager - would Isico grow up to be a Johnnie? His hopes, opportunities, America as a new land? The phoney agencies and the taking of money? Poverty, lack of money and opportunity? The decision for crime to get the money? Johnnie and his amateur attempts? The world of squalor and ugliness and depression in the city?

5. The story of Carlos: the moving into the middle class families of La Paz? The attention given to family life, family life as tedious and unfulfilling? Going out with the boys, getting drunk, women? The macho emphasis? Carlos at home, at work, amongst his friends? The international nature of this kind of middle class bursary? The significance of the funeral context of this story?

6. The story of Patricia: the aristocracy of La Paz, homes, wealth, university education? Her fiance, her love for the radical student? Her interest in radical causes, demonstrations etc.? Her parents and. their reaction? Her moving out of her class? Her being trapped in her class and expectations? Her abandoning theme and her marriage?

7. The irony of Patricia passing Isico in the street? The stories ending where they began?

8. What insight into human nature? Society? Poverty and wealth? Oppression? Opportunity? How relevant for understanding South America? The impact for a South American audience? A world audience?