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Saturday, 09 February 2019 06:11



final mass marymount 23

Jonas Hassan MSC, Cameroun, who studied in Sydney two years ago, sent condolences at the death of Adrian Meaney and some photo mementos.

club 23

Word also came this week of the death of former Irish MSC Provincial, Pat Courtney. May he rest in peace.

pat courtney

A catch-up story from last year. Tony Young MSC received the Star of Melanesia for services to PNG. Joe Ensing has sent the following story and photos of a dapper Tony Young.

Tony Young Star 2

On Thursday 6th December Frs Tony Young, Paul Jennings and myself went to Government House, Port Moresby, for the 2018 Independence Honours List Programme of INVESTITURE.

There were over 80 persons to be invested for a variety of insignia.

Reverend Father Anthony Young, MSC, was to be invested with the Insignia of the "Companion of the Order of Star of Melanesia" (CSM), for service to the Catholic Church as a Priest in the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart working for over 50 years in Milne Bay Province.

Unfortunately, the wife of the Governor General had died very recently so that his Deputy came from Manus Island that morning to officiate, causing a slight delay in the ceremonies.

Tony Young Star

The launching of a new book at the Litury Conference in Melbourne this week, Fit for Sacred Use. Photo with Bishop Pat O'Regan, Sale, Fr Tom Elich, Fr Stephen Hackett MSC, Secretary of the Bishops Conference.

s hackett oregn elich

And, with a lighter touch:

Intruder/ visitor in Peter Hendriks' shower in Darwin.

peter hendrik snake shower 2