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Sunday, 18 February 2024 22:29

From our Cameroun MSC confrere, Jonas Mouchi Hassan.

From our Cameroun MSC confrere, Jonas Mouchi Hassan.


Many will remember Jonas from his time studying in Sydney in 2017 and his visit to the NT. He returned to Formation Ministry in the French African MSC Union. He has worked in Congo in recent years.

jonas nt

Jonas at Wadeye

He recently visited his family in northern Cameroun and he has sad experiences.

“I would like to present you my best wishes for 2024.

In fact, I am just back from holidays in my home country for two months. I spent time in my village in the far north region and the rest in the south of the country. I came back safe but psychologically marked by what I experienced in the village where the psychosis due to sporadic attacks has remained alive in the minds already for five years. People almost fled the village even through a good part of the time I stayed. Life seems normal during the day, but in the middle of the afternoon everyone is wanting to leave their house to take refuge in the mountains and hills to come back the next day.

MORA 800x445

This is been made unpredictable because after the weakening of the Islamist terrorist sect properly, a band of bandits now running the villages to steal or even to kill peaceful citizens.

I carry this in prayer because this situation has unsuspected ramifications including the political sphere.

So, a hello from Kimwenza where life continues its normal course.


I am considering putting the parents to shelter in Mora in the chief place of the county where others have temporarily taken refuge but the distance and lack of means block me but I’m thinking about it and I will be obliged. (Mora is a town in northern Cameroon. Mora has a population of 55,216 making it the 5th biggest city in Far North.

mora 2

The German fort of Mora was the last German fort in Cameroun to surrender during World War I.)

Salutations to all.    
