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Monday, 01 April 2024 22:41

St Thomas Parish, Blackburn, 70 years’ celebration.

St Thomas Parish, Blackburn, 70 years’ celebration.

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This is the 17th year of MSC service, so, almost a quarter of the history of the parish.

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The parish is also the location for MSC Formation since 2009. Our parish priests have been Chris Murphy, Terry Bowman, Alo Lamere.

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Our students and formation director live in Cuskelly House, Formators live in Naughton House and the novices at 77 Central Road where Brian Gallagher lived before moving into St Thomas’ care in nearby Forest Hill.

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The celebration was the 10.30 parish mass on March 17th.  Celebrants were Alo, Mark Hanns, Khoi Nguyen

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and the invitation to Paul Castley, Peter Malone, Philip Malone to concelebrate to acknowledge their contribution to parish supply at St Thomas.

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A plaque was dedicated to acknowledge the presence of the Loreto sisters in the parish.

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The group of Loreto Sisters

The parish then hosted a sit-down lunch in the school hall (with tours of the school for past students and visitors).

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Such were the numbers at the lunch that extra tables were set in a marquee in the school grounds.

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Speeches, videos of interviews, history quizzes during the lunch, a booklet with testimonies from parishioners, a happy celebration.

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