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Wednesday, 04 September 2024 22:35

Alison McKenzie writes from the Heart of Life Centre

Alison McKenzie writes from the Heart of Life Centre

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The final day of the course on Ecology and Sprituality led b Peter Hay. An experiential touch.

Here is a group photo from the Council of All Beings that was held today.

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The experience is designed for the participants to embody another being in the natural world so as to encourage a sense of deeper wonder and awe and interconnection. As Pope Francis claims in Laudato Si we form a sacred communion with all of life. Thomas Berry a Passionist Priest and prolific writer in ecological spirituality claims we are a communion of subjects not a collection of objects and to tell the story, the deep story of something is to tell the story of everything.

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In the Council each participant not only gave voice to their being but they also reflected on their being’s deep evolutionary story.

Photos Heart of Life and Gigi Anderson