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Tuesday, 07 January 2025 11:49

MSC Around the world, Brazzaville, Congo, Novitiate

MSC Around the world, Brazzaville, Congo, Novitiate

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With a New Year’s greeting from Jonas Mouchu Hassan MSC who studied in Sydney in 2017 – and who visited the NT and Wadeye while in Australia.


With the aim of perpetuating the legacy of Father Jules Chevalier, a few have been chosen to ensure the apostolate of formation in our houses of Pre-Novitiate in Dakar (Senegal) and Kinshasa (DR Congo), Novitiate in Brazzaville (Congo) and Post-Novitiate in Yaoundé (Cameroon) without forgetting the internal and external Aspirants. The current academic year is being reorganised, particularly at the Pre-Novitiate stage, as the entity would like to have a single training centre for each stage.


Jonas third from left.

First-year pre-novices are now sent to Kimwenza-Kinshasa, where the setting is suitable, and the novitiate has been transferred to Brazzaville since the General Council Decree of 11 April 2024. These houses are dedicated to training of future confreres but also constitute living communities for the MSCs who live there, striving to practice what they teach young people. Hence, a particular spirit of sacrifice for those on the inside and apprehension for those on the outside, as the requirements differ depending on whether one is in one case or the other.