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Friday, 10 January 2025 22:26

Revisiting Croydon Monastery and its MSC memories – and some photos

Revisiting Croydon Monastery and its MSC memories – and some photos
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Last week our student, Hoa, asked me about visiting Croydon to get some sense of the Province’s past and formation there.  It was a beautiful day and the building still looks good.


It is now Sacred Heart Parish and has a primary school at the back and side with several hundred children.  The school was locked for the holidays and you have to pass through the school grounds to get to the cemetery.


The parish secretary enjoys showing visitors around.  I took photos and will post them over coming weeks.


This post shows the chapel and the Church. And the memorial to Norbert Earl MSC at the entry to the chapel.


The Church extension from the chapel into the courtyard.


Next week photos from downstairs, later photos from upstairs.