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Monday, 12 October 2020 22:16

Message from Abzalon, Superior General. Beatifications. Latin America.

Message from Abzalon, Superior General. Beatifications. Latin America.

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Two more candidates.  Sanctity is not competitive!!


2 days after the Beatification of young Carlo Acutis.

Did you know that in Central America we have 2 teenagers who will also be beatified?


Here's a brief review of the lives of these young people who were martyred in times of armed conflict.

JUAN BARRERA: At 12, he was already a catechist in his parish, explained the catechism to the little ones and could be found carrying the Rosary before Mass. Belonging to a devoted Catholic Action family of his people, he had to live in the years of confrontation between the national army and the guerrillas. They took him to a place near a creek and there they started torturing him hurting him with knife cuts on the soles of his feet. Then they made him walk through the stones to subdue him in pain; finally, they cut his ears off, broke his legs, and finally riddled him with bullets.

NELSON RUTILIO LEMUS: Born in the Paisnal on November 10, 1960, he was 16 years old when he was murdered. He was the eldest of 12 children in the marriage of Jesus Lemus and Mary Evelia Chavez. He was an active member of the Christian community of El Paisnal and liked to collaborate with church celebrations. He was martyred alongside Father Rutilio Grande and Manuel Solórzano, who died riddled with bullets as they celebrated the Holy Eucharist.

May the sacrifice of these young men be an example to us.