Current News

Friday, 24 July 2020 23:13

What was your best letter to God?

What was your best letter to God...? 2020 has seen an increase in prayer – and different ways of praying. The Catholic Central Library in Melbourne has reported a large increase in sales of the weekly Missal. But we all have our questions in our letters to God. Here are…
Fr Ted McCormack MSC, an achievement, 60 years ordained. Our congratulations to Ted, 87th birthday on July 14th, and 60 years ordained today. Ted has had a fruitful ministry in PNG, in Australian parishes and, in more recent years, parish supply, especially in the Sandhurst diocese. (Though covid-19 has limited…
Acknowledging Albert Yelds MSC, turning 95 today. We offer hearty congratulations to Albert Yelds on his 95th birthday. And, on Monday, he will be 67 years ordained. Albert has worked in MSC Colleges, was committed for many years to a travelling ministry of devotion to the Sacred Heart. In the…
Tuesday, 21 July 2020 22:53

New book, Dear Movies, Peter Malone MSC

New book,  Dear Movies, Peter Malone MSC Coventry Press has just published a book by Peter Malone MSC. It draws on his years of film reviewing and his work connecting cinema and spirituality. It is a series of letters (101 in fact) to movies that have influenced him over the…
Solidarity with our Central American MSC confrereres, Covid-19 claims the life of Juan Dore Chicas from Guatamala. Humberto Henriques MSC writes: Unfortunately, COVID keeps taking more and more known people. This time he was another missionary of the Sacred Heart, Juan Dore Chicas, Member of Central America and Mexico Province,…
Sunday, 19 July 2020 23:19

An MSC Update, photos from Vietnam,

An MSC Update, photos from Vietnam, Courtesy of Bob Irwin and Bang, our photographer Thien, Joseph Vuong,Truc, Bob, Huy, Vuong, Hung....the two Vuongs begin 2nd year novitiate, the other four will be professed on August 6, in Manila.  Students, and Bang, our photographer second from the end. Those going to…
A Weekend reflection and prayer in these times. With lockdown and covid headlines, there are no so many stories these weeks. It seemed a good idea to post some relevant prayers and reflections. And the Church And shared faith And for a Scripture reference
Solidarity with South Africa as covid-19 spreads in that country. July 18th, Nelson Mandela Day.   Nelson Mandela has many accolades. He’s an iconic figure that triumphed over South Africa’s apartheid regime. He was a human rights lawyer, a prisoner of conscience, and an international peacemaker. And he was the…
Wednesday, 15 July 2020 22:31

An OLSH Parish, Randwick, story. Tony Chung

An OLSH Parish, Randwick, story.  Tony Chung The Chung Family It’s a long way from Papua New Guinea.             Born in Papua New Guinea in 1952, Tony Chung  has been part of the parish since 1965.  This is his story. My father, says Tony, was the General Manager of the Burns…
God's Foolishness, A Spirituality of Heart - a new book by Brian Gallagher MSC From the Coventry Press flyer and website: God's Foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God's weakness is stronger than human strength. (1 Corinthians 1:25). Reflecting on his own life and on the lives and teachings…
Greater Melbourne locked down for a second six weeks’ period. hope and humour.   This site comes from Melbourne, from lockdown again for millions of us, more than five weeks to go.   Here is a quote from Pope Francis’ Easter prayer, still relevant to us.   And, then, please…
An Appeal from the Director of the MSC Mission Office, Roger Purcell. REPRINTING: GEORGES DELBOS, THE MUSTARD SEED “FROM A FRENCH MISSION TO A PAPUAN CHURCH” Published in 1985 for the centenary of the founding to the Catholic Church on Yule Island in 1885 this is a very readable and…
MSC Good News – new venue for Heart of Life: Kildara Centre, Malvern   Following several meetings between the Brigidine Victorian Community Office, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, and the Heart of Life Centre for Spiritual and Pastoral Formation, an agreement was reached for Heart of Life to lease…
Thursday, 09 July 2020 22:42

Acknowledging Tony Young MSC, 85.

Acknowledging Tony Young MSC, 85. From Melbourne, Tony Young was born on July 10th. 1935. He made his novitiate in 1955 and was professed on February 26th 1956. His studies for the priesthood took place at Sacred Heart Monastery, Croydon, Victoria and was ordained in Melbourne on July 23rd 1962.…
Wednesday, 08 July 2020 22:27


 Choir practice for Most Sacred Heart. News from MSC Vietnam: The Day of Grateful Hearts. With thanks to Quy Thien Bui MSC   Mass for the Most Sacred Heart. Presider: Fr. Hoang, MSC. Many of us have known very well the house of the Lover of Holy Cross Sisters in…
Celebrating Martin Wilson, MSC, 90 years of age on July 8th, 65 years a priest, missionary and academic. Leo Wearden MSC I have been asked to write some words about Martin Wilson on the occasion of reaching this milestone of 65 years since his ordination as a priest. Martin, though…
July 7th.  PNG pride in its saint, Peter ToRot. The Catholic Bishops Conference PNGSI officially ended their 61st Annual General Meeting (AGM) with a thanksgiving Holy Eucharist at the CBC head office in Port Moresby on Thursday, 02 July 2020 at 5.00 pm. The celebrations incorporated the laity theme of…
New Bishop for Kiribati.  The Church Heritage of Kiribati.   Cathedral Tarasa Atoll Kiribati. Bishop Paul Mea MSC resigns. Monsignor Koru Tito appointed as the new Bishop.   Bishopo Paul Mea MSC, Nauru stamp, Christmas 1982 Archbishop-elect of Rabaul, Rochus Tatamai MSC, writes: Congratulations to Bishop Paul Mea MSC (Eusebius…
Acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday, July 5th In these days of ‘Black Lives Matter’, of ‘Closing the Gap’ discussions and proposals for the National Cabinet, we support and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday. Bishops Commission for relations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Dear to the…
The Chevalier Family, First Friday Focus: Environmental Concern and Commitment Each month, members of the Chevalier Family highlight a focus for concern, prayer and activity for the First Friday. This month, the poster mentions addictions. What Is Social Media Addiction? Checking and scrolling through social media has become an increasingly…
Wednesday, 01 July 2020 22:37

Acknowledging Vince Carroll MSC, 80

Acknowledging Vince Carroll MSC, 80 Today, Vince Carroll turns 80.  A Queenslander, secondary school at Downlands, Profession, March 3rd 1959. Studies at Canberra and Croydon, including some ANU courses. Ordained July 21st 1965. Vince’s ministry has been in MSC colleges, parishes, NT and PNG missions. In more recent decades he…
Tuesday, 30 June 2020 22:29

Acknowledging Michael Curran MSC, 80

Acknowledging Michael Curran MSC, 80 Michael Curran MSC turns 80 on July 1st.  He served as Superior General of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, 1993-2005. Michael is a Kerry man. He made his first profession, 21st September 1960. He went to Rome for his Licentiate in Theology, 1962-1966, and…
SOME SIGNIFICANT JULY DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY, 2020. July seems to have been a mission establishing month: MSC in Yule Island, PNG; MSC in Bangalore, India; MSC in Canada; MSC Sisters in Peru. Statue of Blessed Peter to Rot It is also a month of memories of murdered MSCs,…
A Tribute to the late Bishop Des Moore MSC. He would have been a bishops, 50 years on July 2nd Tribute by Joe Ensing, Tony Young and Russ Andersen, longtime MSC missionaries in Eastern Papua. Courtesy of MSC Magazine Bishop Sir Desmond Charles Moore msc KBE “I think we lived…
Month of June, last weekend, Images of the Sacred Heart From Brazil Archbishop Mark Coleridge, on the occasion of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, offered this Tweet. Given how enduringly popular devotion to the Sacred Heart is and how rich its background and literature are, I’m always surprised by…
The Zoom Lectern, for Theology and Spirituality sessions The less formal Zoom lectern, Philip Malone MSC at home with Moral Theology. Schools have furnished programs for distant learning. Parishes have found ways to put Masses and ceremonies on line.  The Chevalier Institute has hosted two webinars, most recently last Wednesday…
Sue Richardson, pbvm: Getting to know the MSCs After almost four decades of ministry in Melbourne, Sue Richardson, well-known to many MSC, is returning to Lismore. Here, she remembers Siloam, Heart of Life work, and her being the Director of the Centre at two different periods. Latterly, she has been…
Tuesday, 23 June 2020 22:22

Over 60? Midweek Memories

Over 60?  Midweek Memories What I learned from my parents!!!  Laughter... good therapy (and maybe a help to over 60s still getting over being home schooled)! Most of generation of 60+ were HOME SCHOOLED in many ways . 1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE . "If you're going…
An Interview with Sister Sally Duigan OLSH  (From South Australia to South Africa). Sister Sally Duigan, who belongs to the Congregation of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, is director of Holy Family Care Centre in Limpopo, South Africa. They provide residential care for orphans and vulnerable…
Photos, Funeral of Bishop Des Moore, for the record. Presence at the funeral was limited to 50. It was held at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Kensington, Chris McPhee presiding, Roger Purcell delivering the homily, Des Moore’s niece speaking a eulogy. The film of the Requiem can be found…
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