Current News

QUEENSLAND SHRINE TO BLESSED PETER TO ROT.  BLESSING BY CARDINAL JOHN RIBAT MSC. "Blessed Peter To Rot’s niece moved to tears at uncle’s Australian welcome in Marian Valley"        January 23, 2020  Emilie Ng. With thanks to the Catholic Leader for permission to present this article and photos. Blessed procession:…
Tuesday, 28 January 2020 22:17


FAREWELL TO KRISH MATHAVAN MSC, HENLEY BEACH Krish Mathavan spent his deaconate at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish, Henley Beach in Adelaide.  He was ordained there in November 2017 and continued working in the parish as a priest on the staff. He was farewelled by Paul Cashen and…
GUATAMALA MARTYRS, 3 MSC MARTYRS, 7 LAY MARTYRS, 1980-1991 Visitors to the site will have been following the processes for beatification of our martyr; the Spanish Martyrs of Canet del Mar during the Civil War have been beatified. Here is the latest news from the General Administration concerning Guatamala. Pope…
Sunday, 26 January 2020 21:35


AUSTRALIA DAY WEEKEND. A long weekend with holidays and celebration: Saturday 25th, seen by many indigenous as ‘invasion day’ which also saw the announcing of the Australians of the Year, a strong emphasis on health and education (with Archie Roach as the Victorian Australian of the Year; Sunday 26th, Australia…
MSC VIETNAM, CELEBRATIONS, JANUARY 2020, NOVICES AND POSTULANT   RECEPTION (TRONG Luu) AND SENDING OFF (HIEN Nguyen - KIEN Phan - VU Nguyen -  DAT Vu - KHOA Vu) With thanks to our MSC correspondent in Vietnam, text and photos, Bang MSC. Event of Acceptance the new postulant: TRONG and…
Thursday, 23 January 2020 23:10


NOTICE;  APPLICATIONS FOR BUSINESS MANAGER Business Manager Catholic Religious Congregation Location: Coogee, Sydney The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart is an international order of Brothers and Priests, within the Catholic Church, numbering about 1,900 who work in over fifty-five countries, on six continents. The Australian Province has around 140 members and their ministries include…
Wednesday, 22 January 2020 23:11


CHEVALIER INSTITUTE 2020 Chevalier Institute is a ministry of the Australian MSC province. We work significantly in formation in Heart Spirituality with staff in MSC Colleges and schools associated with MSC parishes. Our experience in formation of lay people also has relevance within parish communities and other ministries and we…
Tuesday, 21 January 2020 22:38


NEW ADDRESS, KENSINGTON MONASTERY A recent announcement that the following confreres have or will become members of the Kensington Sacred Heart Monastery community. In case you were wondering: HAROLD BAKER Coming from Daramalan. JIM LITTLETON Coming from Daramalan PATRICK SHARPE Coming from Chaplaincy, Brigidine House Aged Care Hostel, Randwick (during…
2019, THE MSC YEAR THAT WAS - PS, MSC PUBLICATIONS Cover of Paul McCormack's CD PUBLICATIONS 2019 The MSC year that was, written by Peter Malone MSC. Several books were published in 2019 and a CD of songs. The Province website posts six items of news, spirituality, general interest, each…
A GOOD NEWS STORY FROM THE NT: TED MERRITT MSC, CELEBRATING 92 With thanks to Peter Hendriks for the photos and the news of the celebration.Ted has spent most of his long life in MSC ministry in the NT, even to being a pilot. Peter added 'We all feel blessed'.…
Friday, 17 January 2020 23:08


2019, THE MSC YEAR THAT WAS - A RETROSPECT  Each year a report is sent to the General Administration about the life of the Province.  Here is 2019.  THE PROVINCE in many ways, 2010 was a “steady as she goes” year. The administration moved into its second year. A provincial…
Thursday, 16 January 2020 21:38


A VISIT TO MSC FORMATION, KOREA REPORT FROM HUMBERTO HENRIQUES MSC, GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Taking advantage of the occasion of the 25th General Conference in South Korea, after its closing, I went to Seoul, the capital of the country, to visit the Houses of Formation. Once we arrived, we saw a…
Wednesday, 15 January 2020 22:23


CONCERN FOR REFUGEES TO AUSTRALIA.   ST JOHN’S CATHOLIC COLLEGE DARWIN AND THE MELALEUCA REFUGEE CENTRE Fr Peter Hendriks MSC has sent this article, an encouraging story of a partnership between St John’s Catholic College in Darwin (which was staffed by MSC Priests, Brothers, OLSH Sisters and lay staff in…
RIP, MANUEL HILARIO MSC, FIRST FILIPPINO MSC TO STUDY IN AUSTRALIA In the early morning of January 9, 2020, Father Manny Hilario passed away at the age of 88 years. At the time of his death, he was confined at the Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital and being treated for…
HAVE YOU COME ACROSS THE STORY OF MARIE THERESE NOBLET: FRANCE, PNG, AUSTRALIA?   Many of us from the past used to hear the story of Marie Therese Noblet, her connection with Archbishop Alain De Boismenu, devil possession, her mission in PNG.  January 15th sees the 90th anniversary of her…
NETFLIX ALERT AND CAUTION : NETFLIX FILMS FROM BRAZIL, PARODIES OF THE GOSPELS An ever-increasing number of us are watching Netflix - audiences watching all around the world. Here is an alert/caution concerning two 48 minute Brazilian films screening on Netflix, worldwide, since December 2019. Their titles are: The Last…
Sunday, 12 January 2020 15:43


TERRIBLE NEWS BUSHFIRE AT ROSEDALE Ex-teacher Mrs Jean Reid - who commenced teaching at Daramalan College on Day One in 1962 - lost her Rosedale home and possessions in the New Year's eve South Coast fires. She is safe but now homeless at 104-years of age and is staying with…
Saturday, 11 January 2020 09:22


WEEKEND MSC PHOTOS During this week there have been several posts which had stories in words. To balance this, here are some images for stories. Director of the MSC Mission Office, Roger Purcell, with Carmel Smith OLSH who designed the banner. Discussions about our mission in Japan MSC in Japan.…
BOTH JOY AND SADNESS FOR OLSH SISTERS, JUBILEES AND A DEATH Jubilees of Sr Josette and Sr Theresa Today we express our appreciation and love to our Jubilarians – Sisters Josette and Theresa, Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, who over seventy years ago began a journey which…
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE SACRED HEART DEVOTION      Chris Chaplin MSC, member of the General Administration was present. Here is his report. THE SACRED HEART DEVOTION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE was held November 8, 9 at Villa Aurelia in Rome. It was hosted by the Priests of the Sacred Heart (Dehonians),…
POPE FRANCIS,  SLAP, BAD EXAMPLE, ‘I APOLOGISE’ “Love makes us patient,” Pope Francis told faithful gathered to celebrate the feast of the Solemnity of Mary and the 53rd World Day of Peace. “We often lose our patience. Me too, and I apologize for the bad example I set yesterday,” he…
NEW BOOK BY MICHAEL FALLON MSC: JESUS OF NAZARETH as portrayed in the New Testament To find the online text of this book (102) pages, go to Michael’s website, You will find the title in the first list of books on the home page. Click to Download. JESUS OF…
ROSEMARY TAYLOR RIP. SIGNIFICANT LIFE AND MISSION. VIETNAM. Rosemary Taylor died last month and is to be buried on Thursday. The MSC connection is her brother, Fr Brian Taylor, who has been working in Japan for almost sixty years.  Her brother, Robert, spent some time as an MSC student. Brian…
EPIPHANY/REVELATION/EVANGELISATION - PLENARY COUNCIL 2020 2020 in Australia is a potentially powerful year for the Church in Australia, with thought and action in prayer and discernment for the Plenary Council. An opportunity renewal and for the future of the Church. It seemed a good moment at the beginning of the…
FIRST FRIDAY, JANUARY 2020, MONTHS OF BUSHFIRES, BUSHFIRES NOW Each month the Chevalier Family Justice and Peace offer a theme for the First Friday. This month we have an intention here in Australia: our devastating bushfire destruction. Men and women have been injured. Some have died. Many homes and properties…
SOME SIGNIFICANT JANUARY DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY, 2020   Archbishop Couppe MSC, See January 15th and January 31st 1 January, Motherhood of God 6.January,: Feast of the Epiphany - one of Chevalier's favourite feast. The true nature of God is manifested through the flesh of the infant Jesus. 10…
BLESSINGS FOR 2020, CELEBRATING MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS – AND CELEBRATING THE MOTHERING OF GOD. THE MOTHERING  OF  GOD Isaiah 66: 12-14, For this is what the Lord says: “I will extend peace to her like a river,     and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse…
CHRISTMAS GREETINGS  AND BLESSINGS TO ALL OUR VISITORS Greetings to all visitors to our MSC Australia Province site and to those who receive our Province Facebook page. And, just letting you know that we are taking a Christmas break until New Year’s Day when we will begin 2020 postings with…
RIP, BISHOP AMBROSE KIAPSENI MSC, EMERITUS BISHOP OF KAVIENG, NEW IRELAND News came at the end of last week of the death of Ambrose Kiapseni MSC.  He had been Bishop of Kavieng, New Ireland but resigned during 1918 and was succeeded by Bishop Rochus Tatamai, who was transferred from the…
Sunday, 22 December 2019 21:34


 DARAMALAN FAREWELL CANBERRA TIMES NEWS/ AND TOLD AGAIN IN THE CATHOLIC VOICE End of an era as last priests and brothers leave Daramalan College/ and a visit of Archbishop Christopher Prowse. Megan Doherty Canberra's Daramalan College was founded in 1962 by the priests and brothers of the Missionaries of the…
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