Current News

AND NOW INTRODUCING THE MEN WHO HAVE JUST JOINED THE MSC We posted news and photos of the four men who joined the MSC last Friday. We will introduce them individually during this week and next. Their stories in their own words.   Today, Dean Fonseca. I was born and…
OUR MSC PRE-NOVITIATE FOUR, RECEPTION CEREMONY AT BLACKBURN. Earlier this week, we posted a news items about four young men who have decided to join the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.   Friday afternoon saw a ceremony in the parish church of St Thomas Blackburn, a reception of the four…
WHAT ARE WE SAYING ABOUT AUSTRALIA DAY 2019? Thinking about January 26th. Catholic Religious Australia, Australia Map Our First Peoples are the traditional custodians of our beautiful lands and waterways and have a fundamental role in the great Australian story.  We aspire to an Australia Day that can increasingly include…
THE SABIO BROTHERS MSC, NEWS FROM THE PHILIPPINES Many MSC have met Ray and Gene Sabio, two MSC brothers. Ray was a founder of the MSC in Korea and then Vicar Apostolic of the Marshall Islands. Gene was a member of Michael Curran’s General Administration and is now in the…
Monday, 21 January 2019 22:29


2019 MSC PRE-NOVITIATE GROUP, MELBOURNE Today, the new pre-Novitiate group, men who have decided to join the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, arrived in Blackburn. Their director is Khoi Nyuyrn MSC. We asked him for his perspectives on the year and formation, and included some photos connected with Cuskelly House…
MSC SISTERS AUSTRALIA, OUTREACH AND SCHOLARSHIP In recent years the MSC Sisters have financed scholarships for further studies. Aboriginal students have received scholarships for University studies. Notice has been pubiished for  a 2019 scholarship: Spiritual Care and Mental Health Scholarship The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart (MSC Sisters) will offer a scholarship…
GOOD NEWS FROM MSC VIETNAM - PART 2: LAYING OF THE FOUNDATION STONE FOR CHEVALIER HOUSE.   With thanks again to our MSC Student correspondent, Bang Dinh MSC for text and so many photos of blessings, stones and contracts. 3 to bless the land After the celebration of the novices…
DR PATRICK RYAN MSC - 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS DEATH.  DELVING INTO OUR ARCHIVES Today is the 50th anniversary of the death of Patrick Ryan MSC (1904-1969). He was famous for his debate with Communist, Edgar Ross, in 1948. 30,000 people attended. A biography of Fr Ryan can be found…
GOOD NEWS FROM MSC VIETNAM - and more on Saturday On the occasion of 12th, January, 2018. We would like to share to you 2 good news Lucky money - see below! First, the celebration of Acceptance and Sending off our Postulants Second – will be posted on Saturday! We…
Tuesday, 15 January 2019 22:37


IN MEMORIAM, PETER EDWIN PRICE, 1941-2019. Peter Price, valued member of the staff of the Yarra Theological Union, has died after some time of suffering with cancer.  He was buried from St Paschal’s Chapel, Box Hill. As Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, we wish to honour him and remember our…
BOB IRWIN MSC, VISIT TO THE MSC NOVITIATE, PHILIPPINES – AN INTERNATIONAL FORMATION VENTURE. Entry to the Novitiate Last week was something of an MSC India week on this site, three posts. This week will be something on an MSC Vietnam week. Preview of coming attractions – the new Vietnamese…
Sunday, 13 January 2019 22:23


              JOSEF SENJUK MSC - A MUSIC STORY Southern Highlands Symphony Orchestra – Josef Senjuk Second longest tenured member of our community at St Mary’s Towers at Douglas Park, Josef Senjuk, was recruited into the Southern Highlands Symphony Orchestra, having taken part in two…
Friday, 11 January 2019 22:20


WE HAVE HAD AN INDIAN MSC WEEK ON OUR SITE This week our site has been featuring India (for non-indian and non-Australian visitors, you will not have experienced the cricket tests with India’s superiority over Australia, but no matter!!). There was the car accident in Paraguay and the naming of…
Thursday, 10 January 2019 23:15


WINNERS, AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC FILM OFFICE MSC Brothers and Priests, OLSH Sisters and many lay missionaries served indigenous people in Central Australia, at Arltunga, Santa Teresa, Alice Springs parish, for many decades. Sweet Country offers an opportunity to raise Australian consciousness about black-white history – and to better appreciate contemporary aspirations.…
Wednesday, 09 January 2019 22:15


NEW MSC MAJOR SUPERIOR APPOINTED FOR INDIA Some further news from Malcolm Fyfe MSC Just today an announcement has come from the Generalate that a new Superior has been appointed for the MSC Indian Union. It is FATHER THATHEUS DARWIN. He will take office on February 15. Father Darwin succeeds…
CONGRATULATIONS OLSH SISTERS, PROFESSIONS - 70, 60 50 YEARS Mass of Thanksgiving: Saturday 5th January 2019 OLSH Chapel, OLSH Convent Kensington In celebration of the following milestones in religious life: 70 years of Profession: Margaret Sullivan FDNSC, Elizabeth Doyle FDNSC 60 years of Profession: Ellen Egan FDNSC, Nora Hanrahan FDNSC,…
Monday, 07 January 2019 22:22


INDIAN MSC PRIEST INVOLVED IN CAR ACCIDENT. Father Anthony Prem Kumar With thanks to Malcolm Fyfe MSC for this news. One of our pluckier Indian MSCs, Father Anthony Prem Kumar, has been for some years now working alongside members of the Spanish Province in Paraguay. (Father Jaya Kumar Raju Pasala,…
WHAT'S IN A VESTMENT? WHO'S IN A VESTMENT? OLDER ANSWERS The photo below had some circulation on Facebook last week, eliciting some comments.  This led to our trying to check the date – which revealed that if you Google Cardnal Raymond Burke, who is central to the photos, an item…
ST MARY'S TOWERS, DOUGLAS PARK - AT CHRISTMAS Christmas Vigil More than 140 people attended our Christmas Vigil Mass, celebrated for the first time by our new Parish Priest Tony Arthur. The service began with carols led by Trish Smith (organ) and daughter Amy Parish (guitar & vocals) ably supported…
FIRST FRIDAY, JANUARY: HEART SPIRITUALITY REFLECTION. There has been a centuries-old tradition to focus on the Heart of Jesus on the First Friday of each month. This year, our site would like to offer a brief Heart Spirituality reflection. While our site offers MSC news, photos, associated stories, we would…
Wednesday, 02 January 2019 22:50


VINCE CARROLL MSC, DOWNLANDS COLLEGE, TOOWOOMBA Vince Carroll MSC: Chris McPhee writes: Vince has returned towards the end of 2018 to Australia. He has done an extraordinary ministry in South Africa – especially with ministering to our Aussie Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. This, for Vince, will…
SOME SIGNIFICANT JANUARY DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY, 2019   Archbishop Couppe MSC, See January 15th and January 31st 1 January, Motherhood of God 6.January,: Feast of the Epiphany - one of Chevalier's favourite feast. The true nature of God is manifested through the flesh of the infant Jesus. 10…
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