Current News

Celebrating Jules Chevalier’s 200th birthday As we celebrate birthdays, we do so in the light of the achievements of the person we are celebrating. Then, we remember, that on the actual birth day, it was an ordinary day, a child born to loving parents, but no guiding star shining in…
Honouring Jules Chevalier, media and communications pioneer, 200. Chevcom. On this bicentenary occasion, a proposal. In fact, it was the fruit of international tri-congregation meetings, 1999-2005, MSC. FDNSC, MSC: that we use the name ‘Chevcom’ for our communications. The inspiration came from Jescom, Jesuit Communications. The proposal was heard favourably…
A message from Kerala, Dominic Gleeson MSC Hello from Kerala, India, on the first day of the Ignatian 30 Day retreat for the men of the MSC Indian Province novitiate!   I arrived on Friday evening 8 March at about midnight and began the 'disposition days' the following morning.  The photo…
Fourth General Councillor, Simon Lumpini Mbala. We continue our series on our new General Council. He is the second Brother on the Council I am Brother LUMPINI MBALA Simon, msc from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Francophone African Union). I completed my novitiate to South Africa, studied Pastoral Theology in…
New Book (revised): In The Armed Services, MSC Chaplains and Servicemen. James Littleton MSC. Once more, an opportunity to honour Jim Littleton for, amongst his many achievements, especially in education, for his contribution to research on MSC history, providing valuable material, information as well is stimulus for further research. He…
Some Significant March Days for the Chevalier Family, 2024  NOTE: this is an amplified version of Significant Days, combining the list made originally by Cor Novum, Issoudun, now with the addition of dates from Father Jan Bovenmars MSC’s book, Jules Chevalier, Daily Readings. His book was published in 1993 –…
MSC acknowledgement of women working with us on International Women’s Day International Women's Day is observed annually on March 8, all around the world. It is a day to reflect on and celebrate the social, political, economic, and cultural accomplishments of women. We take the opportunity to remember all the…
Second General Councillor, Fransiskus Bram Tulusan MSC. We continue our series on our new General Council. My name is Fransiskus Bram Tulusan. I was born in Kotamobagu, Indonesia on October 20, 41 years ago. My first vows was in 2003 and ordained as a priest in 2011. The most of…
RIP Anthony (Tony) Kelly CSsR., 1938-2024. Michael Kelly CSsR writes: I am sad to inform you that Rev. Professor Anthony J. Kelly CSsR died this afternoon (Sunday 3 March) at 5:50 pm at Nazareth House in East Camberwell. Michael Mason CSsR, his brother Geoff FMS, and I were there for…
A film to see, Cabrini, the life and ministry of St Frances Xavier Cabrini. Cabrini – Frances Xavier Cabrini, born in Lombardy in 1850, on mission to New York, 1889, 28 years of enterprising activity, died 1917, beatified 1938, canonised 1946, the first American citizen to be canonised. Frances Xavier…
RIP, Joe Gleixner MSC, 1938-2024, US Province From the US:  This morning, March 1, our Fr Joseph Gleixner, MSC went to his eternal reward. Fr Joe was a long serving missionary sent to the Diocese of Kavieng in Papua New Guinea. May he now rest in the love and peace…
MSC Victoria/Tasmania 2024 opening gathering. The Community has 18 members, 16 in Melbourne, 1 in Hamilton, 1 in Hobart. A reminder of who’s who! Blackburn: Dominic Gleeson, new Community Leader; Khoi Nguyen, Novice Master; Mark Hanns, Student Director, Alo Lamere, PP St Thomas parish; professed students: Trieu Nguen, Daniel Magadia,…
First Friday, March. Have you heard of the Day of Unplugging? The Carolinian Just what is the Global Day of Unplugging? Well, it is no secret that we are increasingly connected to the world around us. Smartphones, tablets, WiFi access and the Internet have enabled us to be connected to…
Our award-winning photographer, John Walker MSC, this time in Tel Aviv John writes; Tel Aviv, Israel, also known as the White City, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003, comprising Bauhaus and modernist architectural styles. A sampling of his Tel Aviv photos. I spent a few days in…
Thursday, 22 February 2024 23:00

Acknowledging Paul Cashen MSC, 80

Acknowledging Paul Cashen MSC, 80 Paul Cashen turns 80, February 24th.  He is from Adelaide and has spent much of his ministry there in Hindmarsh and Henley Beach and at the Cathedral. Paul made his profession on February 26th 1963, and was ordained on May 31st 1969. . His ministry…
MSC Australia, 2023, the year that was. Publishing and Media Report. For the General Administration, Analecta. The tradition has been to name the books and further publications of the province. However, worldwide readership of books has been diminishing, greater reliance on social media. This is reflected in the life of…
Tuesday, 20 February 2024 22:08

General Council, Chris Chaplin MSC

General Council, Chris Chaplin MSC Over the coming weeks we will be posting thumbnail sketches of each of the five men appointed to our General Council.   Chris Chaplin MSC Chris has served a six year term as a General Assistant to Superior General, Abzalon Alvaredo Tovar MSC. Abzalon has…
MSC pioneers in Aboriginal ministry, Menindee-Wilcannia, NSW. Some weeks ago we posted Pat Austin MSC’s parish supply in Balranald. He mentioned MSCs in the 1930s and 1940s in the Broken Hill diocese.  We Googled and found a summary which turned out to have been written by Martin Wilson MSC in…
From our Cameroun MSC confrere, Jonas Mouchi Hassan. Many will remember Jonas from his time studying in Sydney in 2017 and his visit to the NT. He returned to Formation Ministry in the French African MSC Union. He has worked in Congo in recent years. Jonas at Wadeye He recently…
Friday, 16 February 2024 23:04

2023, the MSC year that was…

2023, the MSC year that was… Each year we post the overview of the province requested by the General Administration – an opportunity to look back at some of the highlights of the year.  For a weekend read... On the world stage, 2023 was a very sad year – wars…
Thursday, 15 February 2024 22:47

Albert Yelds MSC, Mission Letters – a Podcast

Albert Yelds MSC, Mission Letters – a Podcast Recently, the MSC Mission Office received a donation of a cache of letters written by the late Albert Yelds MSC. Albert died last year at the age of 98, the doyen of the Australian Province, someone who was ill when young and…
 200th Anniversary of the birth of Fr Jules Chevalier MSC - one month to go Stephen Hackett writes: You would be aware that the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of our Founder, Jules Chevalier, occurs on Friday 15 March this year. The Provincial Council discussed the anniversary at its last…
Lent – the Gospel practice of prayer, fasting, charity. Jesus warns us against displaying our Lenten observance. We go into our inner rooms, our inner selves, deepen our inner love of God and neighbours wherever they are. You might like and appreciate the challenges proposed by the Reverend Benjamin Cremer…
Monday, 12 February 2024 22:44

Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day – Pre-Lent

Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day – Pre-Lent In many cultures, religious and secular (who perpetuate the day without realising the origins), the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday is a day of celebration before Lent. While not offering any pancake recipes, we thought we would offer a post which would provide a pre-Lenten smile…
Qui Thion Bui MSC, Graduation, Safeguarding Course, Rome In recent years, Tim Brennan MSC has been responsible for Safeguarding issues in the congregation. He has encouraged members from around the world to attend courses in Rome as background for their work in their provinces, unions and regions. Qui Thion Bui…
Saturday, 10 February 2024 09:40

Kenji Konda MSC, Ordination

Kenji Konda MSC, Ordination This is a very happy weekend for the Australian province, the ordination of our confrere, Kenji. And, these years, it is a rare occasion. Kenji was ordained in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick, where he served on the parish council, by Bishop Terry…
Thursday, 08 February 2024 22:41

Chevalier Institute, 2024.

Chevalier Institute, 2024. The new brochure for Chevalier Institute is available in hard copy or online.   Bob Irwin MSC writes: the Chevalier Institute was founded 21 years ago to support Lay adult faith formation in the Chevalier Family’s Spirituality of the Heart. Why called an INSTITUTE? Because it is…
MSC Vietnam, January News, Graduation, Diaconate, Year-End Party On Saturday, January 20th, 2024, the Dominican Center of Study joyfully held a celebration of Saint Thomas Aquinas, patron of the Center. It awarded bachelor's degrees in Sacred Theology to students graduating in 2023. The MSC Community in Viet Nam had a…
Tuesday, 06 February 2024 22:13

RIP, Fr Kevin Bates SM

RIP, Fr Kevin Bates SM Funeral, February 7th. Marists and many others throughout the world mourn the death on Jan 31 of their confrere, spiritual guide and friend, Fr Kevin Bates SM (77). After months of failing health, Fr Kevin's last moments were spent at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, where he…
The Laity of the Chevalier Family, Final Report Day 9: The last day of the Assembly is here! We started with a peaceful meditation prayer from the USA and then we sang and danced the Assembly song with gusto for the last time. We came so far from the tentative…
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