Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:28



France, 1973, 110 minutes, Colour.
Michel Piccoli, Beatrice Romand, Marilu Tolo.
Directed by Claude Feraldo.

Themroc was described as anarchic on its first release. It still remains anarchic.

Michel Piccoli portrays the eccentric Themroc, a man who is consistently anti-authenticity, anti-arrogance, anti-pretensions. In a satiric way, he sets about to destroy all those whom he despises.

Claude Feraldo takes this theme to extremes. He is aided by the bizarre performance of Michel Piccoli. Feraldo was later to make Two Lions in the Sun, a satiric drama about two friends who become involved in taking down authorities by robbing them.

1. What was the overall impact of this film? Was it entertaining, engrossing, interesting, disturbing, why?

2. How important was the style of this film? The cinema verite of the opening sequences and presenting what seemed like real life? The gradual transition to theatre of the absurd? The mock-silent film styles of the later sequences? The emphasis on the absurd? The nature of the dialogue, the sub-headings and the grunts and coughs and sneezes etc.?

3. What were the main themes of the film? As regards society, its routine, the overthrow of society, individuals, self-expression, attacking the sacred bourgeois ideas of work, family, morals? The encouragement of revolution in others etc.? How convincingly were these themes explored?

4. How important was Michel Piccoli's performance to give central focus to the film? Were the people real in this film or were they caricatures serving a purpose, symbols?

5. How important was the opening of the film with its setting of ordinary Paris, the routine of daily life and work, getting up, breakfast, work etc.? Was this important for the transitions and change of attitudes which were then heard?

6. How serious was the theme of anarchy in the film? Social and individual and moral chaos? What values of anarchy were presented? Was it attractive? Why?

7. How revolutionary was the film? The implications for the man in the street to re-look at his way of life, change, rebel, seek out repression, crush it or ignore it? Is the film dangerously revolutionary or is it healthy in its theme of revolution and social criticism? Why?

8, Is it possible to draw any conclusions from the film as regards the director's attitudes towards society, persons, individuals, morality, revolution?

9. How interesting a character was Themroc in himself, the sequences at home, the routine of his life, his love for his sister, attitude towards his mother, Themroc as seen working and going to work, the various routines at work, his friends, the objections to administration, his decisions about revolution, his breaking through the barriers of morality e.g. in his relationship with his sister, the neighbours, food, taking the policeman home, getting the plasterer to join the commune etc.? How much of a caricature was Themroc or was he a symbolic character?

10. The importance of the girl in the film - as feminine, as attractive to Themroc, the sister-relationship? The love and lust relationship? What comment on modern sexuality was being made? On love? The neighbour who is in love with Themroc? The implications of such morality?

11. What role did the mother play in the film? The comment on family relationships?

12. The influence of Themroc on his neighbours - anarchy as catching, the preaching of revolution? The effect of Themroc's example on their lives? The police and the girl? The visit of the secretary and her being at home in the commune? The man with the car and his destruction of his car? How important was this latter as a symbol for modern audiences? What other examples come to the fore to illustrate the influence of anarchy and revolution?

13. The tantalizing of the plasterer and his gradual succumbing to join the commune?

14. Comment on the picture of the police and their methods. The picture of repression as symbolized in the police (also in terms of management).

15. How successful was the combination of rather revolutionary and somewhat anarchical techniques with the theme?

16. For whom was this film made? What influence would it have? What is the value of making such a film?