Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:28



Italy, 1951, 115 minutes, Black and white.
Anna Magnani, Walter Chiari, Tina Apicella.
Directed by Luchino Visconti.

Bellissima is an entertaining film about a showbiz mother. She bears comparison with a lot of the showbiz mothers satirised in many American films. However, this time she is played by Anna Magnani, the veteran and classic Italian actress who had appeared in Rossellini’s Open City. Magnani was to win an Oscar in 1955 for her performance in Tennessee Williams’ The Rose Tattoo and was to appear also in several American films including The Fugitive Kind, based on Tennessee Williams’ Orpheus Descending, with Marlon Brando and Joanne Woodward.

The film was written by Cesare Zavattini, writer of many of Vittorio de Sica’s films including the classic Bicycle Thieves.

The film was directed by Luchino Visconti who had experience of film-making and was able to satirise life and film-making processes at Cinecitta. He had made Ossessione in 1943 and La Terra Trema in 1948. He was to make Senso in 1954 with Alida Valli and Farley Granger and then move to his strong period in the 1960s with Rocco and His Brothers, The Leopard, The Stranger, The Damned and in 1971 Death in Venice.

This is a trifle – but an entertaining one in its insights into Italian-style show business mothers.

1. The impact of this film as regards entertainment. a glimpse of Italy and Italians? An Italian style, the reputation of Visconti?

2. The film as representing Italian film-making around 1950? Black and white, realism, the presence of Anna Magnani?

3, The atmosphere of Rome in the years after the war, the city itself, poverty, the needs of the people? the film industry and its status among the people? Open air theatre, the aura of the studios and the glamour?

4. The detailed picturing of Rome the apartments, the streets, family life? The details of people's interaction with one another, the women calling from window to window etc.?

5. The credits sequence of the orchestra playing, the introduction and information about the talent quest?

6. The atmosphere of the line-up of ambitious mothers with children? The crowd, Cinecitta? Madeleine and Maria being lost? The women pushing, the atmosphere of the producers and the film staff? The detailed presentation of the auditions? The little girls singing and dancing?

7. Anna Magnani style as Madeleine? A woman of Rome, emotional and intense? As a mother, as a woman? Her anxiety and looking for Madeleine? Being cranky with her, pushing her through, going to the head of the line, her seeking help from Amerigo? Keeping the Information from her husband using up all the money? The aura of the movies and her husband and herself watching them?

8. The presence of the dramatic coach and her acting background? Imposing herself in the family? Her taking of Maria and teaching her imagination and acting? The advice about the photos and the visit of the photographer? The importance of Maria’s going into the semi-final? The arrival at the studio, make-up, hair? (The humour of the young boy cutting off her plaits?) Madeleine’s going into the projection box, her anger with the producers and their laughing at her daughter?

9. How beautiful a little girl was Maria? Her being pushed by her mother, her fear, crying, getting lost? Her being coached by the dramatic actress? The revelation that she had made a fool of herself and cried during the test? Her mother’s reaction and taking her home, their wandering the streets? Maria asleep and being brought home finally?

10. Madeleine's attitude after her experience of the producers and company laughing? Her abuse and disillusionment? The atmosphere of the contracts, her husband wanting to sign? The reason for her refusal? The importance of the bond between husband and wife In the final sequence, his taking off her shoes?

11. The contrast of the world of film and film-making? The busyness, rush, impersonality, cliche? Amerigo as a young man on the make, the Italian male and the attraction towards women? The promises? His laughing during the screening of the test? His anger at being fired? His presence and attempted persuasion for the contract? Madeleine slapping his face and all that that symbolised?

12. The glimpse into the world of film-making, advertising and promotion? The film’s comment, critique? How much self-criticism Insofar as It showed the film-making world and presented an attractive little girl as heroine?

13. The Italian way of life, Italian characters and their Impact on the world? Values of making a living? Family relationships, ambitions? An enjoyable human document?

More in this category: « Belle of New York, The Benji »