Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:29

Bitch, The


UK, 1979, 94 minutes, Colour.
Joan Collins, Michael Coby, Kenneth Haigh, Ian Hendry, Mark Burns.
Directed by Gerry O’ Hara.

A sequel to The Stud. Both are based on salacious novels by Jackie Collins, sister of Joan Collins who takes the lead role - in her forties and, perhaps, attempting to be Britain's seventies' answer to Mac West! The plot takes place in the wealthy circles of England and London’s night life. The characters are the truly filthy rich! The novel has been adapted for the screen by writer-director Gerry O'Hara, maker of a number of small budget features, some exploitive like The Brute, others romantic like the British- Canadian co-production, Leopard In The Snow. There is a different cast in support from the first film - but everything seems much the same. The world is of wheeler-dealing, big business, discos, sexuality and drugs. It is the equivalent of the lurid Sunday Magazine expose of city life - and has a certain social value as being a sensationalised image of the times. There is also a film version of Jackie Collin’s The World is Full of Married Men and Yesterday’s Hero.