Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:29

Legend of the Werewolf, The


UK, 1974, 90 Minutes, Colour.
Peter Cushing, Ron Moody, Hugh Griffith, Roy Castle.
Directed by Freddie Francis.

The Curse of the Werewolf and The Legend of the Werewolf are two versions of the Werewolf legend written by John Elder. There is fifteen years between the two treatments. Both are horror tradition films in the Hammer Studio style. One is set in Spain, the other in France. The first is notable for an early performance by Oliver Reed in the central role. The second is notable for character performances by Ron Moody and Hugh Griffith. Both are interesting, if somewhat pedestrian, versions of the legend.

1. Audience interest in such legends? The introduction and explanation of the legend? European origins? Mythology, symbolism of evil? The wolf as a symbolic destructive animal? The film's presenting detail of the legend? Plausibility?

2. The middle-European setting? The prologue and the wanderers and their deaths? The boy taken by the wolves? Plausible origin? The transition to Paris in the 19th century as a setting for such legend?

3. The appeal of horror to audiences? Violence, gory deaths. dangers and risks, the impersonation of evil?

4. Location and colour photography? Music? The importance of the subjective shots from the wolf and wolf-man's point of view and the use of the red filter?

5. The establishing of the carnival at the beginning. the types, the proprietor and his wife and their reaction? The tawdry performance and the country peoples' reaction? The discovery of the boy, exploiting his potential, using him in the act? Success? Their treatment of him?

6. Naming him Etoile? His growing up. his relationship with the carnival people, with Tiny? His eventual destruction of Tiny?

7. His experience of becoming a wolf. his destructive element, the unconsciousness? His leaving and his being pursued? The transition at the zoo. the way of life at the zoo? The personality of the zoo-keeper and his liking for Etoile, exploiting him?

8. The world and the environment about the zoo? The tawdriness of the zoo keeper? The brothel and the prostitutes having lunch in the zoo? Etoile and his not realising the world in which he found himself? The contrast with his handling of the animals?

9. The transition of the professor, his theories, laboratories, interest?

10. How did the screenplay begin to combine the world of Etoile and the professor? Two different worlds? United by mystery and science?

11. How well-drawn were the characters? The zoo-keeper, Etoile himself, the prostitutes, especially Christine? The professor and the police?

12. Audience sympathy for Etoile and his plight?

13. The changing of the moon. his becoming the wolf-man, the motivation of the deaths and the connection with Christine and the brothel? The puzzle in Paris?

14. The build-up from the point of view of the prostitutes, the Madame? The police and their investigations? The professor's visit to the brothel and his questioning people?

15. The world of the police? The professor and his work for the police? His supplying information and official disbelief? (political implications of those going to the brothel?)

16. The final pursuit, the sewers, the pathos of the wolf man and his suffering? The professor and his wanting to save him? The police and their killing him? Christine and her terror. her love, her realisation of the truth?

17. The purpose of presenting such legends on a screen? Symbols of evil?