Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:30

Hobo's Christmas, A


US, 1987, 94 minutes, Colour.
Barnard Hughes, William Hickey, Gerald Mc Raney, Wendy Crewson.
Directed by Will Mackenzie.

A Hobo's Christmas is one of the many American telemovies with the Christmas theme. The focus is on family - but this time the relationship between a middle-aged son and his estranged father. The father, who walked out on the family twenty five years earlier, has been moving around the country and finally decides to see his son and his grandchildren. The setting is Utah. The film has the atmosphere of Christmas, the delight of the young children in finding their grandfather. There is strong tension between father and son. Complications arise because of the widower son wanting to marry a nurse at the local hospital who is to be reappointed to San Francisco. The film has an enjoyable atmosphere, has strength from the performance of Barnard Hughes as the crusty but mellowing old grandfather. Gerald Mc Raney is the son. The film was directed by Will Mackenzie (Worth Winning). Genial entertainment for the family - with a message.

1. Popular family telemovie? Family themes? Christmas?

2. The atmosphere of family, work, employment, breaks, unhappy memories, reconciliation?

3. The Utah settings, winter and Christmas? The musical score and songs?

4. The title, the focus and expectations?

5. Chance Grovner, the men on the train, travelling as a hobo? His friends? Harry and his pessimism? The discussions about the years, the twenty five years. the postcards sent to the family? Chance and his ageing, wanting a reconciliation?

6. Charlie, his relationship with his children, love for Laura and the prospect of re-marriage? Being out of work, at the police station? The background of the closing down of steel mills? Christmas day, his having to work? Going to the hospital, being Santa Clause? The background of his clash with his father, yet keeping his postcards? The memory of his mother? His father's arrival, the police station, the hospital? Hostile to him? Laura and her interventions? The change of heart and his motives?

7. His decision to send his father away, the discussions with Laura, the children? Chasing him, meeting him as the railroad, Harry? Taking him home? Chance and his relationship with the children? Talking to them, playing with them? The breakfast scenes, the reminiscences and the stories for the children? For Charlie? The blend of the happy and the sad? The question about jobs and employment, pride? Chance's story, his being out of work, his relationship with his wife, financial support but the absence of emotional support?

8. The children, their learning, their love for their grandfather? The question of the tree - and his buying only the best? The presents? Planning with Harry for the cooking of the meal? Getting the group to come tithe house? The happy re-union, the meal, the presents? The children and their relationship to Laura, questions of the future?

9. The celebration of Christmas day, Charlie at work, the return home, the gifts, the dinner, the neighbours, the hobos? Hopes? The gift of the piano? Chance and his carpentry? His gift?

10. Laura, her job and her ability, the hospital, love for Charlie, wanting to help him? The break with him? Listening to the story of Karen and her death?

11. Chance, his not wanting to stay, the emotional bond and the reconciliation with Charlie? With the children? His wanting to leave quietly? Their pursuit of him to the railroad, the dilemma, Harry urging him to continue on the road? The reasons for his decision?

12. The hobos, the hobos life, the codes, work, possessions? The grandfather explaining the life of the hobo and the bonds with the group? The work, the money, the support? His age - and giving it up for love?

13. A Christmas story and the longing for family love and reconciliation?

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