Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:31

Lethal Weapon 3


US, 1992, 118 minutes, Colour.
Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Rene Russo, Stuart Wilson.
Directed by Richard Donner.

Lethal Weapon 3 (1992) capitalises on the extraordinary impact of the original Lethal Weapon (1987) and the success of Lethal Weapon 2 (1989). The teaming of Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, white and black, younger and older, buddies and partners, seems to have been very effective. The characters delineated by each are part of the attraction: Gibson as the younger and intense, sometimes despairing, sometimes hyperactive policeman with deadpan corny wit contrasting with the ageing black man, a man of integrity, trying to keep pace, father and brother to his partner. This is continued through the three films. The element of humour is essential.

However, the film-makers have also capitalised on effective editing for spectacular stunt work and effects. In this film, two large buildings collapse and a whole estate is burnt out as well as collapsing. There are two spectacular car chases as well as a train pursuit.

The whole effect is slam-bang action. Some find this reprehensible - however, it is presented with the caricature touch, realistic yet not realistic, larger than life comic-book style.

It is interesting to note the focus of villains throughout the films: from drug lords to international terrorists to weapons dealers and crooked ex-cops fuelling violence in the suburbs of Los Angeles (which erupted only a month before the release of the film in 1992).

Once again the director is Richard Donner.

1.Entertaining action? Humour? Expectations of a sequel? The qualities that have made the series popular?

2.The credits, burning and fire, explosive? The title and the reference to Riggs and Murtaugh? Violence, goodies and baddies? Villains? Weaponry? The explosive buildings? The special effects? The musical score?

3.The pace of the editing and the film? Stunt work, effects?

4.How realistic the film? How unrealistic? Comic-book characterisations and style? The blend of realism with this comic-book style?

5.The theme of American buddies and partners, the strong bonds between the two men - and their being parodied? The gap of the years? The black and white working together? Sharing the experience of the bomb and explosion (and the rescue of the cat)? Hassling the jaywalker, the pursuit of the armoured guard vehicle? The contrast with being at home, Riggs just wandering into the Murtaugh household and being accepted, answering the phone? The experience of the shootings and the deaths? Consoling Roger on the boat? The more humane side? The investigations, pursuits, climax? The deadpan and corny repartee?

6.The importance of the action sequences of the LAPD, the crucial issue of the weaponry, the bullets piercing armour, ex-cops and their corruption? Heroics in this context?

7.Riggs and Murtaugh, black and white, types,. age, agility (and the karate lessons)? Sharing in the detonating of the bomb, working the street, the drive and the chase - Riggs and his climbing all over the truck, Murtaugh and the amorous large black lady (and her reappearances with chocolates and flowers and his hiding behind the desk)? Murtaugh and his making the hamburgers, Riggs and the shooting? The humour of the parking ticket and Riggs bursting in on the film-making, and his pressurising the director to take the actress back? Their friendship with Leo, antagonism towards him, the sale of the motor house? The encounters with Lorna, the clash, mocking her and Internal Affairs by the stories of corruption in the elevator? The comments about chaos and mayhem? The discovery of Travis? The complications at Internal Affairs? Clashes with Lorna, working with her? Leo and his recognition of Travis, the episode on the hockey and the ice? Taking Leo to hospital - and Riggs mischievously ordering proctology? Riggs and the encounter with Lorna, comparing wounds, sexual encounter? Murtaugh and his shooting of the black boy, the friend of his son? His drinking, the grief on the boat, Riggs and his consolation? The contrast with Murtaugh at home? Watching Lorna and her ability with kicking, finding the arms, the chase in the truck, the bike, the freeway and Riggs falling over with the bike? The underground warehouse, the pursuit in the train? The climax at the building site - explosions? Murtaugh and his possible retiring? The decision not to - the scene in the bath, the family, Leo's turning up with the house sold? Characters, caricatures and types?

8.Lorna, tough, Internal Affairs, her reaction to Riggs and Murtaugh, the death of the prisoner, the clashes, information? The wounds and the sexual encounter? The karate skills, getting Riggs and herself out of trouble? The repeat for Murtaugh's benefit at the warehouse? Detection, the climax and her being shot? Riggs and his care, declaration of love?

9.Leo, from the previous film, selling the house, explaining the violence, incessant patter? Anger towards Riggs and Murtaugh, recognising Travis, helping them? The hockey stadium chase and his being wounded? Kept in hospital? The tyres being shot? The finale and his having sold the house?

10.The police chief, on the side of Murtaugh and Riggs? Clashing with the superior? Being taken by Travis, held as hostage? The young policeman, the shooting, the armour-piercing bullets? His accompanying (???them??) underground - his death?

11.The initial robbery, the thugs, the guns, the black dealer, the supplying of guns to the young gang members (and Murtaugh's son knowing them)? The body in the cement? The thugs, the fight, their being ex-cops? The finale and the shootings, deaths

12.Travis, his history, the killing of the man in the cement, his going into the interrogation room and shooting the arrested man? His liking hockey, the pursuit and his escape? Thugs, the arms? The chase on the freeway? The confrontation on the building site, the bulldozer - and his being killed by the metal-piercing bullets?

13.Popular entertainment of the '80s and '90s? Reflection of the themes of violence? Justice? Violence out of control and the role of the police?

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