US, 1989, 106 minutes, Colour.
Sylvester Stallone, Donald Sutherland, Darlanne Fleugel, Tom Sizemore.
Directed by John Flynn.
Lock Up is a prison movie, in the strong American tradition of that genre. It also presents a more sympathetic Sylvester Stallone than his Rambo films - something of a return to Rocky. He is the victim of the prison system, of the vengeful attitude towards Warden Drumgoole (played sadistically by Donald Sutherland).
The film was made in an actual prison in New Jersey and shows the grim aspects of the building and plant, the way of life, the punishments.
The film was directed by John King (The Sergeant, The Jerusalem File, The Outfit, Best Seller). It is tough, physically violent - yet has a great deal of sentiment, especially in sympathy for the Stallone character as he is victimised, resists violent response, confronts the warden in an electric chair.
It is the kind of film that gets a men's audience shouting strongly in support of the hero.
1.Interesting and enjoyable prison film? Violence? Escape movie?
2.Sylvester Stallone, his image, the variety of films, especially Rocky and Rambo series? Humane and tough? The film's focus on him?
3.The New Jersey prison, the yard, the cells, the cellars? The seasons? Musical score?
4.The tradition of the prison film, the way of life, cruelty, victims, justice?
5.Frank and his memories, the photos, his father, girlfriend, the weekend with her, helping the kids at sport, his return to jail, the gifts for friends? Rehabilitation, the short time for his release?
6.Frank and his strength, human, relationships, less violent Stallone hero? The story of his escape for his father's funeral?
7.His transfer in the night, rough, the ugly new prison, the brutality of the guards, Drumgoole and the explanation - the tour of Hell? Drumgoole vengeful because of Frank's previous escape? The wreaking of his vengeance?
8.Drumgoole and his appearance, tough, his influence on the guards, cruelty - for example, getting Frank to hold his breath in the delousing chamber? Trying to provoke him? Putting him in solitary and waking him with the light, his name and number, reducing rations? The building of the car and the bashing of it? The murder of First Base? The football match and his watching? The threat to his girlfriend - rape? The provocation to break out, the link with Dallas? Exercising his power?
9.The white guards and their sadism, the beatings, the killing of First Base? Pretending to be a prisoner and threatening to rape the girlfriend? The black guard and his reaction, the cruelty, getting Frank's mail to him? Meissner and his toughness, change, watching Drumgoole, the final administration of justice - and his smile?
10.Frank in the new prison, no place to sit, the meals, the encounter with First Base, the friendship? The football, keeping going? The conflict with Chink in the yard, in the dining-room? The big black prisoner and his going into the football match? The victory? Giving him a job, the working on the car - the songs and the collage of building the car? First Base wanting to drive, Frank's warnings, teaching him, racing out destructively into the yard?
11.Dallas, his smart talk, friendship, advice? His character? Frank talking with the man out of his mind, offering him friendship? First Base and teaching him?
12.His girlfriend's visit, the sexual encounter - and the guards and their intrusion, time up? The rape threat and Frank's anger? The beating and his being in hospital?
13.His quick recoveries? The possibility of escape, his cleverness in the plan? Dallas and his help, the trick, being caught, the fight, the wounded Dallas finally helping him?
14.The guards and their search, Drumgoole and his anxiety? The background of the electric chair and Drumgoole's restoring it, explaining it to Frank? Frank holding Drumgoole hostage, the confession in the electric chair? The trick played by Frank? Meissner arresting Drumgoole? His madness?
15.The happy ending - the rehabilitation of the prisoners, the victims, the system, justice? The portrait of black and white friendships and conflicts? Frank as a Sylvester Stallone hero?