Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:32

Miracle of the White Stallions, The


US, 1962, 118 minutes, Colour.
Robert Taylor, Lilli Palmier, Eddie Albert, Curt Jurgens.
Directed by Arthur Hiller.

The Miracle of the White Stallions is a Disney drama of the early '60s. Commentators note that it is not typical Disney material or treatment.

It is based on the true story of The Dancing White Horses of Vienna by Colonel Alois Podhajsky. Podhajsky is portrayed in the film by Robert Taylor (very stolidly). Lilli Palmer is her usual self as his wife. Curt Jurgens is the sympathetic General Tellheim. The supporting cast includes Eddie Albert and James Franciscus in an early role. John Larch has an interpretation of General Patton. The film was directed by Arthur Hiller, a director from television who was to make many successful films in a range of genres over the coming decades including such films, as Love Story, Man of La Mancha.

The film is a war story with a difference: the crisis of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, its stately Lippizan horses and the decisions made about its evacuation and its being safeguarded from the advancing Russians by General Patton's Americans. Some commentators have found the film a bit stiff and starchy ? it is, but is also a worthy kind of entertainment.

1. A war story with a difference? For adult audiences? Children's audiences? From Disney productions?

2. The use of European locations? the atmosphere of Austria during the war, the Spanish Riding School, mansions and castles? The war sequences and the atmosphere of World War Two? The portrayal of the horses? in performance, in the roundup and their being saved? Editing and pace? The musical score - and the Sherman Brothers' romantic ballad 'Just Say Auf Weidersehen'?

3. The title and the focus on the saving of the horses? The Spanish Riding School and its 200?plus years of tradition, the quality of the horses themselves. the breeding, the training? The performance for General Patton and his decisions to save them? The grand finale with the restored horses and school?

4. Robert Taylor as Colonel Podhajsky: a stern man, his worry, his background as an Olympic champion? His dilemma about the horses? His friendship with General Tellheim? The taking of the mares to Czechoslovakia? The need for escaping with the stallions? General Tellheim,'s enabling him to do so? His friendship with the General. their evening of music and talk, the General's suicide? The friendship with the riders? His relationship with his wife? The evacuation of the horses? The problems with the advancing Russians? The Countess and her hospitality at the mansion? The danger from the refugees and their attempt to take the horses? Rider Otto being shot? The support of his wife? Her presence, contribution? The advancing Americans, Major Hoffman and his interest in the horses? The performance for General Patton and his seeming not to be impressed? His strategy for the saving of the horses? The roundup,) Colonel Podhajsky's flying to them? The restoration of the riding school? The 1955 epilogue with the horses once more performing?

5. The portrayal of the German military - the Nazi officials, the intimidated local Mayor, the humanity of General Tellheim and his helping. his weariness with the war. his not wanting to face war trials, his evening with the Podhalskys and his suicide? The local military and the Czechs, the betrayal and the attacks by the Russians on the rescue party? The portrait of the rescued refugees and military personnel?

6. The Americans? the support of Major Hoffman, General Patton and his reaction to the performance, his decisions, the American officials?

7. The portrait of the Austrians? the riders at the school, their farewell song? The Countess and her hospitality? The refugees and their stealing, trying to take over the horses?

8. A blend of human drama, war story, questions about the morality of war, the attitudes of the occupying armies? An animal story - and the tribute to the Spanish Riding School and its horses as a work of European art worth preserving?

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