Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:32



US, 1983, 91 minutes, Colour.
Mary Beth McDonough?, David Wallace, Bill Paxton, Lynda Day George, Christopher George.
Directed by Howard Avedis.

Mortuary is one of the many horror films made in the early '80s often by exploiters, often by student film-makers. They capitalised on audience interest and box office success of such multiple-murder thrillers as Halloween and Friday the 13th.

This film is a piece of Americana - a small town setting, teenagers and their parents - and the mortuary. Needless to say, there is an insane person dispatching various people with access to the mortuary. There are some rather well-known horror sequences which make this film rather better of its kind. Christopher George and his wife Linda Day George offer their acting experience to make the film a bit classier than it might have been. Not untypical of its kind.