Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:33



Denmark, 2003, 177 minutes, Colour.
Nicole Kidman, Harriet Anderson, Lauren Bacall, Jean- Marc Barr, Paul Bettany, Blair Brown, James Caan, Patricia Clarkson, Jeremy Davies, Ben Gazzara, Philip Baker Hall, Siobhan Fallon Hogan, John Hurt, Zeljko Ivanek, Udo Kier, Cleo King, Bill Raymond, Chloe Sevigny, Shauna Shim, Stellan Skarsgaard.
Directed by Lars von Trier.

Lars Von Trier seems fascinated by moral and religious themes. So much of his imagery and his references are biblical. It has been easy to see his persecuted woman, Emily Watson in Breaking the Waves and Bjork in Dancer in the Dark, as martyrs, whose sufferings bring healing to men. Von Trier sets them up as redemptive Christ-figures.

As we share the experiences of Grace (and her doubting Thomas) in the community of Dogville, we trace the pattern of the Gospel: like Jesus coming into a lowly world, accepted despite suspicions, serving rather than being served, turned against and given her own passion. As the three hours running time pass, we seem to be being led in a most positive way. It is the way of forgiveness no matter what the offence - and, finally, Grace becomes the victim of women and children's malice and men's lusts.

This would have been so simple. We might have been using Dogville in years to come for seminars on grace. But, there is the enormous 180 degree turn in the final chapter of the film. When the unseen gangster finally arrives, we might surmise he represents the devil. But, then we see him, and discover that the Godfather might be God the Father and von Trier is challenging us to think again about John 3 where God so loves the world... It seems that in this US world, God so hated it that he sent his daughter to destroy it. If there is to be no more deluge, then 2 Peter says that the next destruction is by fire. And, in Dogville, so it is. With David Bowie singing about America's young over the final credits and the devastating collage of American photos, we are sent out of the cinema questioning the good and the evil in human nature and whether there can be any hope.

1. Lars von Trier, his career and reputation? Awards? Acclaim, hostility? Dogme and his credo? Not applicable with this film?

2. Von Trier as a troubled genius, his ingenuity, his film sense? Scandinavian background? Interest in the US without having been there?

3. The town, his use of the studio set? The looking down on it from a height? The names of the streets, houses? Outlines of things, the dog? The background of Thornton Wilder's play, Our Town, and Godville? The reverse with hostility from God in Dogville? The influence of Berthold Brecht and his theatricality, distancing his audience from his work in order to get them to reflect on the play and on their own experiences? The re-creation of the 30s atmosphere, the costumes, design?

4. The importance of the English dialogue, its polish? The narrator and John Hurt's tone? The information about the town, guiding our responses, indications of aspects of plot? Indicating irony?

5. The structure of the film in a prologue and nine chapters, giving the headings of the chapters? A Brechtian device giving the audience time to pause? The anticipation of what was to come, involvement and detachment?

6. The range of the international cast, their impact?

7. The interior life of an American town? As revealed by the narrator? As revealed by the characters, their speeches, their actions?

8. America, the film as an allegory? The reversal of approach by the end? From positive to destructive? The final collage of photos - and a critique of flamboyant and ultra-patriotic Americanism?

9. The background of the biblical world, Grace as a Christ figure, Grace, her name, being a gift, coming to serve and not be served? The spirit of the servant songs of the Book of Isaiah, welcomed spat upon, destroyed? The passion of Jesus? The Genesis themes and the destruction?

10. The reverse of John, chapter 3, God so loving the world as God hating the world? Destruction? Genesis and the destruction by water, second Peter and the destruction by fire? Any hope in this apocalyptic vision of America?

11. Nicole Kidman as Grace, her initial appearance, her screen presence, her strength, softness? Her arrival and the danger, the encounter with Tom, his helping and hiding her in the mine, arranging the meetings and her going to the meeting, meeting the townsfolk? Their initial reactions to her? Negative, some positive? The discussions, her being allowed to stay for two weeks? Her offering to help but their having no needs? Her being a gift to the town, grace to the town? Going to work for the people in the things that they had no need for? The effect on each of them? Seeing her with each during the two weeks? The next meeting, the signal of the bells and Martha ringing them? The people giving her gifts if she was not to stay? The final bell and her staying? In her house, the gardens, the orchards, the shops? Looking after the invalid woman? Helping Martha play the organ? Teaching William? Being a comfort to Mr Mackay? The friendship with Ben? The people being transformed?

12. Time passing, the police finally arriving, the notice about her being searched for? Touching the conscience of some of the townspeople? The nature of the law and their being righteous? Gradual change of attitude? The boy wanting her to spank him? Ma Ginger complaining about the trampling of the gooseberries? The various people being critical, cranky? Tom and his being bewildered by what was going on? His father and the hypochondria? Her having to do more work, half-hour shifts? The brutality of the sexual encounter:

13. The transition to punishment, her having the chain, moving with the chain, the harshness of the treatment, the persecution by the people, the meanness of the women, the sexual abuse by the men? Its effect on her - her patience, suffering? Graciousness?

14. The build-up to the escape, choosing Ben to transport her, giving him the money? Tom arranging it? Hiding with the apples? The journey, her arriving back? Made a prisoner? The phone call to the police, her waiting? The discussions with Tom, love for him, no physical sexuality, forgiveness?

15. The car arriving, the revelation that the mysterious stranger was her father? Her talking with him? The hit men with him and their previous visit? Grace and her experience in Dogville, her ideals, forgiveness, values? Her reaction to her treatment? Her New Testament response and turning the other cheek and turning to an eye for an eye and Old Testament vengeance? The shooting of all the people? The destruction by fire? Her succumbing to the temptations of her father - becoming satanic? Her exercise of power and cruelty? Ungraciousness, disgrace?

16. The effect of the 180-degree turn in her attitude, its effect? From grace to damnation?

17. Her father, the gangster, the role of gangsters in the United States, their control, godfathers? His being seen as a kind of God the Father?

18. Tom as the focus of the town, his name, relationship with his father, doubting Thomas? His age and experience, his love to talk, wanting to write, his calling the meetings, working on illustrations? His infatuation with Grace? Saving her after the two weeks? Watching the townspeople and their reactions, his joy, the change? His growing suspicious, his specious arguments, talking out loud? His decision to inform the authorities? His reaction to the sexual encounters, his own sexuality, Grace's refusal? His being shot along with everyone else?

19. His father, wise old man, the doctor of the town, Grace caring for his health, turning, hypochondriac?

20. Ma Ginger: Gloria her sister, their age, place in the town, the shop, the sales, the gooseberry patch and the bridge, Grace helping, attacked by Ma Ginger? Her using her money to buy the figurines?

21. The Hansons, as a family, the worried mother, looking woebegone, the reticent father? The children? Bill, not clever, encounters with Tom, Grace teaching him how to read? Liz, her wanting to avoid Tom's advances, initial jealousy, calm, accusing her of being seductive?

22. Chuck, his family, hostility, work in the orchard, his gradually mellowing, friendship as Grace worked with him, the rape? His wife, Grace helping her, the incident with the child, the spanking, the jealousy, the malice, going with the other women, smashing the figurines, not wanting Grace to cry?

23. Ben, alone, going to the prostitute, working with the cars, taking the money, betraying Grace?

24. Mr Mackay, his being blind, alone, gradually sharing with Grace, talking with her, his change and bitterness?

25. Olivia and June, helpless, Grace and her helping, especially with the toilet, and then being turned into a slave?

26. Martha, her reticence, not wanting to play the organ when there was no preacher? Ringing the bells?

27. The cumulative effect of this cross-section of people, of human nature, strengths and weaknesses, malice and brutality? Their fate - deserved or not?