Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:33

Mikael/ Michael


Denmark, 1924, 93 minutes, Black and white.
Walter Slezak, Benjamin Christensen, Nora Gregory, Karl Freund.
Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer.

Michael is the work of Danish master film-writer and director Carl Theodor Dreyer. It is one of his silent films, along with such reputed films as Master of the House, Leaves from Satan's Book, The Passion of Joan of Arc. His sound films were comparatively few: Vampyr, Day of Wrath, Ordet and Gertrud.

This film was not made in Denmark but in Germany. It is made in the style of so many films from Germany in the early '20s, expressionist style. The film reflects on art, art for art's sake, art for communication, art and beauty as well as the counterbalance of a young man caught up in the art world but narcissistic, self-seeking and ultimately betraying the artist. (Walter Slezak, who was to have a career in Hollywood in the '40s and '50s, is the young man, Michael.)

1.The work of Carl Theodor Dreyer, in the silent era, in the sound era? In Denmark? His German film?

2.The techniques of silent film-making? The techniques of expressionist film-making in Germany in the '20s?

3.Themes of art, love, possessiveness, death, achievement?

4.Zoret and his art, his place as a master, his friendship with the journalist? His painting, Michael and his posing for Zoret? The friendship and patronage? The master's devotion? The sketches? Zoret and his friends, table talk, discussion of love and death? The count and his wife, friendship, betrayals? The princess, patronage, the painting - and the question of her eyes? The critics? Zoret and Michael, Michael as model, affection, love? Michael using Zoret? Zoret and his response to the critics? The journalist and his criticism? The journalist and the truth? Michael and his selfishness - Zoret's death, his being satisfied with his life?

5.Michael as young, callow? The model, spoilt, living in the house, selfish, using everybody? The encounter with the princess, the painting, the eyes? His motivation, the affair? Stealing, his attitude towards the bank? Taking the sketches? Going to the theatre? Ignoring the master, his inheritance?

6.The journalist, his friendship, admiration for the master, love for him? Their clashes, his warning, final help?

7.The portrait of the German aristocracy, relationships, marriages, affairs, behaviour at meals, the theatre? The duel? Death?

8.The princess, her motives, patronage, painting, the affair, the liaison with Michael? His becoming subservient to her?

9.The impact of this silent film, its Northern European tone, dramatisation of characters, motivation, love and betrayal?

More in this category: « Mexican, The Mickey Blue Eyes »