Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:33

Mortal Fear


US, 1994, 86 minutes, Colour.
Joanna Kerns, Gregory Harrison, Robert Englund.
Directed by Ralph Wanamaker.

Robin Cook's Mortal Fear is a brief telemovie, adapting a story by the celebrated novelist, whose focus is on murder mysteries in a medical context - Coma is his best-known film adaptation.

The setting is a hospital where people are unexpectedly dying. Audiences will not be surprised at who the villain is - despite the guest appearance of Robert Englund (the screen's Freddie Kruger) as a seemingly sinister doctor. The focus is on Joanna Kerns, best known for appearances in telemovies, as a doctor baffled by the mysterious deaths. Gregory Harrison portrays the chief executive officer of the hospital, Max Gail is the detective.

The material is fairly predictable - probably the main plot outline of Robin Cook's original story. However, Joanna Kerns plays it very seriously, Gregory Harrison is very earnest. It is an enjoyable pastime telemovie.

1.Robin Cook and his novels? His medical background? The murder mysteries? The adaptation of a story to the screen? The basic elements and basic themes?

2.The city setting, the hospital, apartments, the nightclub? Musical score?

3.The title and its focus on the illness, the researcher, fear and death? Mortal fear for Jennifer?

4.The focus on Jennifer, her work at the hospital? The opening and her memories of her dead husband? The mysterious death and the reaction of the widow? Her violence? Her own diagnosis and death? The meetings, the social and her not wanting to dance? Philip's approach? Their watching Dr Hayes and his girlfriend and her performance? The relationship with Philip, her hesitations? The mystery of the deaths, her investigation? Dr Hayes and the dinner appointment and his death? Her going to his laboratory, his assistant and her hostility, telling the story? Ralph and his offhand remarks, his presence in the laboratory? Her suspicions? The encounters with the detective and the discussions? The x-rays, her going to find Carol, rescuing her from the pursuers? Her death? The meeting with Philip, his revelation of the truth, her horror, his being injected - and her going to be with him as he died? The resolution of the mystery?

5.Philip, the debonair chief executive officer? Flirting with Jennifer, the relationship? His attitude towards the hospital, administration and money? The mystery, dealings with the police? The revelation of the truth, his playing God, decisions about life and death and whose life was worthless? His pleading with Jennifer, his being injected?

6.The contrast with Ralph, his cynical presence, the operations, clashes with Jennifer, his being in the laboratory? The x-rays? The pursuit of Jennifer and Carol - and the revelation that he was investigating the mystery?

7.The detective, offhand manner, chatting with Jennifer, surveillance?

8.Dr Hayes, his research, Carol and the relationship? His assistant and her intense devotion - hostility towards Jennifer, her being killed? Hayes and the meeting with Jennifer, his death? The research, the genes? Playing with life and death, healing? His results being used by Philip?

9.The victims, the executive and his attack, his hostile wife, the interview with Jennifer, her death?

10.The popularity in the '90s of television soap operas set in hospitals? Murder mysteries set in hospitals?