Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:34

My Girl Tisa


US, 1948, 95 minutes, Black and white.
Lilli Palmer, Sam Wanamaker, Alan Hale, Stella Adler, Akim Tamiroff.
Directed by Elliott Nugent.

My Girl Tisa is a pleasing romantic drama. Set in 1905 and focusing on the migrants wanting American citizenship, it was made at the period of standing up for America after World War Two. However, the treatment of the theme transcends the feelings of the '40s and re-creates the atmosphere of the turn of the century in New York. The city of New York is lovingly presented - the atmosphere in which the migrants from Europe landed, worked hard, worked for gaining their citizenship.

Lilli Palmer is very attractive in the central role and is supported well by Sam Wanamaker, who made several films in England and moved to direction on stage and screen. The supporting cast is led by Alan Hale and Akim Tamiroff with Sidney Blackmer appearing in most jolly fashion at the end as Teddy Roosevelt. The film receives Warner Bros production values. has a score by Max Steiner, and is directed by Elliott Nugent (The Crystal Ball, Welcome Strange).

1. An entertaining piece of Americana? The American dream? The migrants and their experience? The offer of America of citizenship and freedom?

2. Warner Bros. production values: black and white photography, the recreation of New York 1900 Romantic musical score? Echoes of the melodies of the time?

3. The focus on Tisa - her European background, coming to America and her hopes, saving money and investing it to bring her father to America? The quest for American citizenship? Her hard work in Mr Crumbach's factory? Her eagerness to find other jobs? Her work in the boarding house, her friendship with the various people? Her sharing the room with her sister Jenny? Attraction towards Mark? The search for jobs? The difficulties with Descu and her signing the contract for her father to go to the city of Washington? Mark and the difficulties? The arrest? Her being deported? Her innocently admitting the conspiracy? Her falling in love with Mark, sharing together, his wanting to save her? The iron of her speech about freedom to the Statue of Liberty and its being heard by Teddy Roosevelt? Her being allowed to stay? The charm of the American dream?

4. Mark as an American citizen, his ambitions, his coming with Dugan, Dugan letting him go and abusing him? His loud style, accosting people in the street, studying to be a lawyer? His place at the boarding house, trying to find a job for Tisa? Their falling in love, the outings, the boat? Their wanting to be serious and not fall in love but doing so? The trouble with Descu, his wanting to save Tisa? The arrest, the court case, his proposing to marry her? His visiting her on Ellis island? Declaration of love? Upsetting Teddy Roosevelt's ceremony and bringing him to the jail? The vindication of his stances - and his being asked to give advice to the President? Dugan noticing him with the President - and his becoming the next Alderman and ... ?

5. The people in the boarding house, the range of European backgrounds, their trying to settle into America, the hard work in the factories, the information that had to be learnt for the test for American citizenship, Mr Grumbach and his stinginess, running his factory tightly, refusing to lend the money, his getting coaching from Mark for his test, his being bothered by Mark because of the money, his failing the test, his bailing Mark out of jail, his mellowing? Jenny and her work in the factory? Support of Tisa?

6. Descu and his scheme to get the money from 'the migrants, the legal situation, his tricking people and doing deals for cheap labour? His being brought to court?

7. The people in the boarding house, Mrs Faludi and her running of the house, her new fiance, her geniality?

8. American politics, Dugan and his smile and speeches, Mark working for him, thinking that he was supporting him, his spurning of Mark and abusing him? With his eye out to use him at the end?

9. The picture of Teddy Roosevelt - bluff and bully, genial, welcoming the migrants, coming in person to resolve the situation, having Tisa and Mark ride in his coach? The bully and heart style of Americanism at the turn of the century?

10. A gentle piece of Americana - reminding Americans of the migrant heritage, the struggles for the migrants in their early years, success and the American dream?