Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:35

Snow Cake


Canada, 2006, 112 minutes, Colour.
Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Carrie Ann Moss.
Directed by Marc Evans.

You have to wait until the very end of this pleasing and emotional film to know what the title means.

Marc Evans has made horror films previously (My Little Eye, Trauma) and a Welsh documentary. He is preparing a film about Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas. So, it is a surprise to find this unusual drama made for an older audience rather than younger.

The setting is northern Canada in winter. A rather dour Englishman gives a lift to a genial young woman and his life is transformed. He visits the woman’s mother and finds that she is an articulate autistic woman. She brings him out of his rather glum self-preoccupation. So does her neighbour with whom he becomes involved.

So that readers may experience some surprise while watching Snow Cake, this review leaves out some key plot developments which make the film unusual – and unpredictable. But, it should be said that the three stars give heartfelt performances which make us interested in and caring for them. Alan Rickman brings his customary sepulchral voice and manner to the role of the Englishman. It suits him perfectly – and it is interesting to observe him becoming more normal. Carrie Anne Moss is the kindly neighbour.

But the film is also a showcase for Sigourney Weaver. Apparently, she did research into the way autistic women behave. She reproduces it so well that we forget that this is Sigourney Weaver, star of so many films and the archetypal warrior of the Alien series. One of the characters early in the film voices what is probably in the minds of audiences, ‘I know about autism. I saw that film.’ Autism, however, manifests itself in quite diverse ways so that we are never too sure how this character will behave, giving us some tension feelings.

The tone of the film is rather low-key but it offers insight into human nature and the unpredictable ways in which we behave.

1. A story of autism? An autistic adult? Relationships, family, friends, strangers? Death?

2. The roads of Canada, the country town, winter, the snow, the sunlight, the atmosphere? Musical score?

3. The road, the diner? Alex alone and his reading, eating? The arrival of Vivienne, her talking, her reason for talking to Alex, wanting to hear his story? Alex putting her off, leaving, in the car, her hitchhiking, acceptance, her talking, his relaxing, music comparisons, buying the gift for her mother, her story? Giving a tone to the film?

4. Alex, his story, being in jail, the fling, discovering that he had a son? Listening to Vivienne, waiting, the truck crashing into them, Alex’s escape, Vivienne’s death?

5. The crash and its impact? Alex bewildered? Vivienne dead? The effect on the driver? The police and the interrogations? Checking on Alex, his prison

6. The experience of survival, his decision to visit Linda, her initial reactions, the impression she made, Alex assessing her condition? How to deal with her?

7. Linda, her age, autism, her quoting that she had autism? Using it? Her manner, everything objective, direct speech, living in the present, demanding what she wanted, her receiving the news of Vivienne’s death, from the police, from Alex? Her moods, obsessive attitudes, the removal of shoes, the kitchen as a zone, tidiness, gluten free food? Alex and his decision to stay? The night, his wandering, the uncomfortable bed, the bunk, discovering Linda?

8. The next day, Linda and loneliness, story about Maggie, the need to go to identify the body, her wanting Alex to come? In the street, the neighbor and her chatter, later bringing the cake, Linda scraping off the icing?

9. The funeral, the preparation, the parents, talking to Alex, grateful to him? Helping to understand the background of Linda’s childhood, their care for her? Her seemingly unemotional response? Alex and the funeral, the music, the father’s speech, Vivienne’s children’s book? The reading? The emotion? The return to the house, Alex’s bargain with Linda for people to come, her being upset, calling them nasty, her dancing, visitors and their trying to stop her, her imagining Vivienne in the house?

10. Alex, walking the dog, the meetings with Maggie, believing Linda’s story, her reputation, the meal, the sexual relationship, offering to pay? The police, the information about Alex, telling Maggie? Alex’s visits, Maggie’s character, sexuality, her life, wanting to help Linda, telling off the policeman?

11. Alex and his violence with the truck driver, the bitterness. His coming to the funeral and Alex being forgiving? time to go, to be present on Tuesday to put out the garbage? Linda upset, Alex waiting, having to go, being a friend? the garbage truck, Maggie putting out the garbage?

12. Maggie, the farewell to Alex, the possibility of his returning, her putting out the garbage for Linda?

13. Alex, going to see the mother of his son, the revelation of the story, the communication with his son, the lists, his waiting in the restaurant, his son not coming? The discovery of the accident? Alex, seeking out the driver, killing him?

14. Linda alone, working in the supermarket, managing at home, her phobias and obsessions, people trying to help?

15. A humane film?

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