Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:35

Big Wedding, The


US, 2013, 89 minutes, Colour.
Robert de Niro, Diane Keaton, Susan Sarandon, Amanda Seyfried, Ben Barnes, Robin Williams, David Rasche, Ana Ayora, Patricia Rae, Christine Ebersole.
Directed by Justin Zackham.

The adjective ‘big’ is rather inflated for this 89 minutes comedy-drama. It is a comparatively small affair. However, it does merit at the adjective big in relation to its cast, at least.
But, at the outset, it should be mentioned that there is some unwarranted comment and criticism of aspects of the Catholic Church. It is spoken of in a derogatory way that would not be permitted about some other religions so it seems fair/unfair mockery of things catholic. These include pre-Cana conferences for marriage preparation, the rather idiotic advice from the priest (Robin Williams of all people), who has had alcohol and AA problems. There is also a farcical confession sequence, though the priest does give good advice to one of his conversationalists (that divorce is not a license for hate). And the behavior of the priest and his beliefs is completely inconsistent throughout the film, indicating more farce rather than realism.
This sets something of the tone of the film which, without it, may have been more interesting and acceptable.
However, the reason for calling this The Big Wedding is that the various characters have to participate in a lie: the birth-mother of the groom, who has been adopted by this Connecticut family, is a strict Catholic from Colombia who does not approve of divorce. The family pretend that the father and mother are still to get together.
Some of the strengths of the film are in the key performances. Robert De Niro is much more relaxed than usual as a grouchy father, past philanderer, sculptor and general rather unlikable character. His past wife is played by Diane Keaton with her usual manner and aplomb. De Niro’s present partner is played by Susan Sarandon, who has brought up his children as well as the adopted boy and is one of the more sympathetic characters. The married couple is played by Ben Barnes and Amanda Seyfried.
There are also some sub-plots concerning the groom’s sister (Katherine Heig) who thought she couldn’t have children but has become pregnant though temporarily alienated from her husband. The son, played by Topher Grace, is a surgeon, sexually inexperienced, who comes up against the aggressively sexual sister of the groom (willilngly).
One of the unexpected aspects of the screenplay is the proliferation of sex jokes, some of them funny, some of them silly, some of them crass.
All in all, The Big Wedding is something of a letdown.

1. A marriage comedy? Serious undertones?
2. The cast, ensemble work, strong performances?
3. Attitude towards the Catholic Church? A ridiculing tone? Naming the church, pre-Cana conferences, stands on divorce, education of the children as Catholics? The priest and his alcoholism, three times at an AA course? His instructions to the couple, the focus on hell? The confessional sequences, with Don, with Al, with Ellie? Al and the issue of promises, Don and his anti-church attitudes, Ellie and the differences in love, divorce not a license for hate? Robin Williams as the priest the ceremony, ending up in the water, the second wedding?
4. The introduction: Ellie, her arrival, the key, entering the house, Don and Bebe arriving, sexual behavior? Noticing Ellie? Don as a sculptor, his art, his preparing the gift of the sculpture for the marrying couple? The past marriage? Failure? With Bebe and no marriage?
5. Lyla, upset, against her father, in the hospital, meeting Jared, discussions with him? Interactions with her father, being sick on him? Audiences aware that she was pregnant? The past and her inability to conceive? Andrew and the clash, his leaving, her emotional words of not seeing him again?
6. Jared, his age, hospital experience, no sex?
7. Aleyandro and Missy? Engaged, knowing each other for a long time, in love? At the pre-Cana conference? The O’Connor’s? His adopted situation? His mother in Colombia, wanting him to have an education? His love for Ellie, Bebe be bringing him up, Don and his pride? Relationship with Lyla and Jared?
8. The lie, its credibility? Madonna, from Colombia, strict, attitude towards divorce, her arrival, stern, limited language, bringing her daughter? The introductions, her blessing Missy?
9. The family dinner, the tensions, Bebe having walked out of the house, her pique with Don? The menu, her comments, the discussions of the table, Ellie keeping up appearances, Nuria and her fondling Jared? The rain and the failure of the dinner?
10. Nuria, studying, English, at the water, her swimming, posing nude, the effect on Jared? The night, its ambiguities, Ellie saying no, finely consenting? Don, his pride in the forty minutes? Nuria, the advice from Ellie, Jared reading poetry, the flowers for the year? Madonna watching?
11. The arguments, Don and his being obtuse, Ellie punching him? Bebe slapping him? His talking with Lyla, the reconciliation, her pregnancy? His decision to phone Andrew? The longer discussions, the relationship between Ellie and Barry, Barry and his embarrassment, leaving? Muffin and her lesbian attachments? The discovery that everybody was listening? The applause?
12. The elopement, the wedding at the water? Everybody rushing down, Muffin and her racial prejudice about the children, the attack, in the water with the priest? Aleyandro having to dive in and save her?
13. Ellie, the friendship with Bebe, the long discussion, their friendship, the decisions, Ellie and the failure of her marriage? Travelling? Bebe and her bringing up the children?
14. Don: Bebe, the proposal? The second wedding ceremony?
15. Aleyandro, his mother, the truth about her childhood, his paternity, thinking he was gullible?
16. The happy ending, as it should be?

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