Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:36

Rec 2


Spain, 2010, 85 minutes, Colour.
Jonathan D. Mellor, Oscar Zafra.
Directed by Jaume Balaguero, Paco Plaza.

Takes up at the moment that the original Rec finished, the journalist who was covering the drama in the quarantined building being dragged off to somewhere infernal.

This sequel plays much the same plot again but in different guises. While there was a deadly aggressive virus taking over its victims in the sealed off apartments, this time we have a different reason for the origin of the virus. When in doubt, bring in something 'supernatural'. Apparently, the little girl who was the source of the infection, was actually diabolically possessed and a priest is now sent in to collect her blood sample to be the basis for an antidote. (This would mean that a remake of The Exorcist would be quite short, the priests coming in and inserting an injection and the girl being instantly exorcised!)

The same kind of tension is created. Angry infected people start attacking. The lighting is a bit clearer because the equipment is of a higher standard but, eventually, the lights go out and the night camera goes into play. Half way through, the plot starts again as three reckless teenagers defy the ban to enter the building and finish up filming, being chased and becoming targets.

No major surprises, just the scary enjoyment of doing it all over again with something demonic in the background. If you feel apprehensive, you could become a nervous Rec 2!

1. The effectiveness of this sequel? Beginning where the original film ended? The plot of the original? The infection, the sealing off of the building, the police teams and their searches? The journalist covering the story and her disappearance?
2. The location, the street, the sealing off of the building? The interiors, the different areas, staircases, rooms? The sinister interiors?
3. The background of the plot, the infection, turning the infected into living dead? The overtones of living dead and Zombie films? The visuals of the infection? The madness? The attacks and searching for more victims? Killing of the infected? The drama and melodrama of victims being bitten and transformed? The role of the authorities?
4. The different angle in this film? Dr. Owen and his quest? The revelation that he was a priest? From the Vatican? Transition to an exorcist theme? The infected girl, the need for her blood, for finding an antidote? The disappearance of the girl? Dr. Owen and his authority, over the police guards? His intensity, accomplishing his mission? The searching of the rooms? The police and the clumsiness? Finding the phial? Dropping it? The growing desperation?
5. The three policemen, their personalities, working together, the leader, the fears, danger of infection, killing the infected? Protecting Dr. Owen? Searching for the blood? Increasing hysteria? Deaths and infections?
6. The details of the search, the rooms, the religious emblems? Dr. Owen his contact with the outside? The irony of the girl taking over his voice?
7. The second part with the youngsters, their being outside, the cameras, getting in, being trapped? The young man and his bravado, being slapped? His cameraman? The girl?
8. Their becoming involved with the search, experiencing the dangers? Being trapped? Deaths? The continued filming? The characters, brashness, with the police, deaths?
9. The appearance of the journalist, her night vision camera, her story, her experiences, collaboration with Dr. Owen, the police? Her becoming possessed by the girl? Becoming destructive?
10. The reappearance of Dr. Owen, continuing his quest, with the policeman, discovering the truth, the father and his trying to re-enter?
11. The final pessimism of the film? A church not being able to pursue an antidote for possession? The police and their deaths? The journalist and the deaths? The end of the story?
12. The popularity of the series, the handheld cameras, the range of cameras involved, wanting footage of all the search, visual archives?

More in this category: « Place for Me, A Rec 3, Genesis »