Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:36

Seeking Justice


US, 2011, 105 minutes, Colour.
Nicolas Cage, January Jones, Guy Pearce, Harold Perrineau, Jennifer Carpenter.
Directed by Roger Donaldson.

Seeking Justice is one of the many violent films that Nicolas Cage made at this period. It has strong credentials with its director, Roger Donaldson, who made his mark in New Zealand with Sleeping Dogs and Smash Palace, moved to Hollywood with The Bounty and made a number of successful films, especially No Way Out. Not prolific director, he has made a film every couple of years.

The setting is New Orleans Audience new audience, Nicolas Cage playing a teacher whose wife is assaulted. He is approached by a criminal, played by Guy Pearce, who promises to eliminate the assailant in exchange for a favour. The favour is the killing of an alleged paedophile and he accidentally kills the man, only to find that he was a journalist investigating paedophiles. This sets in motion the final revenge story.

1. The title? The quote from Edmund Burke, justice, the law, administration of the law, failure of the law, taking a stand, the star chamber model, vigilante motivation?

2. The New Orleans’ setting, post-Katrina, the amount of crime, the role of the law, police, vigilante corruption and violence?

3. Nicolas Cage and his proliferation of films? This time a teacher, Shakespeare, literature? Loving husband, ordinary? The situation in which he found himself?

4. The introduction, Will and Laura, dancing, love for each other, Jimmy and Laura’s friend? At home, love, the gift of the necklace for the anniversary?

5. In class, Shakespeare, the issues of violence and the discussion, the students, and Edwin and his being morose, and later his being punched by Will, the issue of the graffiti, Will threatening and the students running away? His wife, her music, the rehearsals, her friend and the chant?

6. The attack, the brutality, the rape, the taking of the necklace, in hospital, Laura’s recovery?

7. Will and his anger, upset, the arrival of Simon, smooth talk, the information, the suggestions, insinuations? Will and his refusal? Yet the memories of his wife, his finally agreeing, the conditions and the consequences?

8. The rapist, at home, on parole, Simon knowing who he was, sending the killer, the killer also owing something to the network, the shooting, taking the necklace, Simon giving it to Will?

9. The passing of six months? Ordinary life continuing, Will forgetting?

10. The date, Will and Laura going to the bar, playing pool, the phone call from Simon, going out, the setup, the letter to post, reading the letter, following the woman and the children, his being photographed? The continued pressure? Car tires slashed, his traveling by bus, seeing the target but not confronting him? The renewed pressure, the second bus trip, following orders, seeing the journalist, confronting him, trying to save him? His running away, the pursuit, the fall, going through the traffic, the pursuer being hit by the car?

11. Will and his behavior, his wife worried, talking to her friend, his going out to take calls, the car, her discovering the necklace, his finally explaining the matter to her?

12. Jimmy, his friendship, going to the hospital, at school, having to confront Will about the punch, suspending him? His being part of the network? The explanation for Simon turning up so quickly? Will and his disgust? Jimmy asking the friend, locating the wife, her being taken? In the warehouse? Into the mall, the confrontation, his helping Will, giving his life?

13. The police, arresting Will, the interrogation, the chief, the audience having seen him on television, his reassuring the public, his questions to Will, allowing him to get away?

14. Will taking the journalist’s tag, going to his office, looking for documents, the woman asking him about upper and lower case, finding the CD, looking at the evidence, the reprise of the earlier sequence with theman giving information to the journalist and his car being pushed from the building?

15. Will in control, phoning Simon, his ticket for the dome, the roller derby, calling him out? The irony of his capturing Laura, the roles reversed, Simon explaining the network and its motivation, his insanity? The fight, the escalator, the wife knowing how to shoot, having bought the gun and had lessons?

16. Will going the paper, meeting the editor, giving him the CD, the editor and the statement about rabbits jumping?

17. Will’s dismay, the code, the network prevailing?

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