Australia, 2009, 90 minutes, Colour.
John Jarratt, Craig McLachlan?, Angela Punch McGregor?, Sacha Horler, Chris Haywood, Charlie Jarratt, Jessica Napier, Rebecca Smart.
Directed by Kevin James Dobson.
Savages Crossing was co-written by its star John Jarratt. Jarratt had made a name for himself in the early years of the Australian cinema – and came to prominence with his villain in Wolf Creek. His character here is a variation on the Wolf Creek theme.
The film has a last outpost kind of plot – a group of people marooned by rain and floods in a motel in the outback.
Craig McLachlan? is the grazier hero. There is Jessica Napier who works at the motel, Sacha Horler and Rebecca Smart as two travellers who are stranded, Angela Punch McGregor? and Charlie Jarratt as Jarratt’s wife and son who are fleeing from him. They have also paid a policeman to kill him – and he is played as a relentless hard man by Chris Haywood.
The photography, especially in the opening sequences with the storm and the rain are quite striking. However, most of the action takes place at night.
The film is very melodramatic, a number of characters who are not particularly likable, a great deal of stalking and chasing and some deaths. There is a twist at the end with the wife coming out on top, a smirk on her face. This ending, however, is dramatically brief and sudden.
The film could be seen as a time-passer – but has a very strong cast of Australian character actors.
Director Kevin James Dobson has worked mainly in television but in the 1970s made The Mango Tree and in 1981 Squizzy Taylor.
1. A thriller? The outback? The isolated group? Menace?
2. The Queensland settings? Savages Crossing, the river, the flood? The fields, the cattle? The interiors of the diner? The sheds at the back? The bush, the river? Authentic feel? Musical score?
3. The title, the overtones? The savagery of most of the characters?
4. The basic situation: Phil, his imprisonment (or rehabilitation), getting out, walking the streets, coming after his wife, his wanting to get half the value of the house? The issue of his life insurance? His drinking, madness? Coming to the house, finding the information especially about the money? His pursuing his wife, getting to the flooded river, the encounter with Mory? Venturing into the river, being pulled out? At the diner, the confrontations with his wife and son? Violence?
5. Mory, the cattle, the property, the cowboy hat? His friendship with Kate? Driving the truck, rescuing Phil? His antagonism towards Phil? Wanting to keep order in the diner?
6. Kate, friendship with Mory? At the diner? With the guests? Shae and Mickey, their friendship, travelling around, the being stranded? Making do? The poker games and Shae winning?
7. Sue, the phone calls, getting Chris to kill her husband? Her taking Damien, their leaving? Stranded at the diner? Phil’s arrival, the confrontations?
8. The mounting tension? Phil and his taking over, the guns? Mickey and Shae in fear, Phil finding Mickey, bashing her? His pursuit of Kate, the information, taking her to the river, tying her up – and Mory’s rescue of her?
9. Mory, hiding Sue and Damien in the shed, the car? Deceiving Phil? His getting the information from Kate, pursuing them, the shots?
10. Shae, confronting Phil, trying to talk him out of the violence? His turning the tables on her? Her not wanting the others to get the gun? Her knowing the truth about Sue and the killer?
11. Chris, relentless, driving, his arrival, tough action, his police badge? His pursuit of Phil? The river? In the woods? Phil surprising Chris and shooting him? Photographing him?
12. The desperate attempts to get help? The need for a doctor?
13. The group in the diner? Phil and his threatening them, Mory getting the upper hand? Putting him in the truck? Death?
14. The confrontation at the end, Shae knowing the truth, Sue and the money, Mory asking her to open the bag – and her smile?
15. Time-passer, pot-boiler – but with a good cast?