Friday, 28 October 2022 21:39

Albert Chan MSC and the Chinese Catholic Centre, Runcorn Brisbane.

Albert Chan MSC and the Chinese Catholic Centre, Runcorn Brisbane.

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The Centre is dedicated to the Sacred Heart: “It is the Lord” (John 21:7) – Albert (89 years) kept saying this as we visited – and as he reviewed His work in Brisbane.  He meant that “The Lord had done all these wonderful things.”

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Modestly located in a gentle valley in the South Brisbane Suburb of Runcorn, Sacred Heart Centre has flourished for 20 years, Albert takes no credit on the foundation plaque.  

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The hall is big enough for 500 seated, (the Chapel is behind the easy-to-open doors - musical instruments are secured in the cubicle centre right; storage, kitchen facilities and office plus sacristy space are ample and behind Albert and Parishioner –. Albert says Mass there on the first Sunday at 10:30 in English, and alternately concelebrates with younger Chinese priests in Mandarin and Cantonese on other Sundays. He says mass for The Sisters of St Paul de Chartres and residents at the Residential Aged Care in Boronia Heights each morning from Monday to Saturday at 6:40 a.m. Carman Leung (Aged Care Nurse) is his dedicated voluntary carer who often takes him to the Sacred Heart Centre (picture above). Carmen lives next door to the Centre. Albert does not drive.

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The centre is Multi-purpose and is rarely without someone doing something: there were three there in my half hour visit and the elderly couple who caretake the Centre were being taken out for a drive.

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There are many Catholic features in the Centre: The Lourdes garden equipped with Fish Pond and statues is one of Albert’s additions (See Photo below); Albert points to his father’s name John Chan (along with his Uncle’s names) on the memorial boar; there is another board listing 36 people who gave over $10,000 each when the Centre was originally constructed. Albert was able to save money on much church equipment by begging cast-offs from closures of Brisbane Convents in the 90’s.

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There is a spacious concrete car park and a Tennis Court at the back. Also room for more development later. The Chinese presence in the Archdiocese has been enhanced recently by the dedication in Marian Valley near Canungra, of a statue to Our Lady of China there. It is the most beautiful in the Valley! (No bias.) Its worth a look and Albert would always appreciate a visit from anyone holidaying on the coast: an easy 50 minutes drive by autopilot!   

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The inscription (in Chinese and English) reads May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved.


Vince Carroll MSC




At Fr Albert Chans 60th Jubilee – Tues 18th 2022 – St Stephens Brisbane. Co-Diamond Jubilarians: + Brian Heenan - Emeritus ex Bishop of Rockampton, and Maurice Keating (OP).


Photos: Andrew O’Brien (’75-6), Captain 1976, Downlands, priest of the Brisbane Arch-diocese.  

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Dominic Carroll (‘60-61 – representing DPSA.

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Fr Albert and Fr Vince (Representing MSC),

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