Wednesday, 21 December 2022 21:57

Chevalier farewells Chris McDermott, principal for 15 years

Chevalier farewells Chris McDermott, principal for 15 years

Steven Foster Photography Chev Chris McDermott Farewell 2524 Copy


After 15 years of outstanding leadership as Principal at Chevalier College, Chris McDermott is retiring.  Chris has contributed to the education of young people for 44 years, with 36 of these years in Catholic education and 28 years as a Principal.

Chris has epitomised the ethos of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart with heart spirituality underpinning all his relationships.  Chris' leadership has been characterized by his great care for the individual, whether it be students, their families, staff or the wider Chevalier community. He has been a very compassionate yet visionary leader who has guided the College with great care and expertise particularly through these last few challenging years.

During his time at Chevalier, Chris has developed the infrastructure to ensure contemporary, purpose-built learning spaces are available to support and enhance learning, whilst maintaining a beautiful campus.  The College's academic record is impressive; however, Chris has valued the all-round development of the students and their positive, heart-centred contribution to society as important aspects of their education. The College is also highly regarded for its encouragement of the cultural and sporting talents of its students and Chris has been a major promoter in these areas ensuring students flourish in a wide variety of endeavours.

We congratulate Chris on his many achievements and wish him the best for whatever the future may hold.

Steven Foster Photography Chev Chris McDermott Farewell 2588


Student tribute


Mr McDermott, you have been a part of this school for an incredible 15 years, and we are extremely blessed to have had you as our principal. Through your caring, kind, compassionate nature you have changed the lives of everyone at chev and it is truly remarkable how much you’ve done for us throughout the years and behind the scenes. although I’m looking forward to a new change, I can't image what it will be like without you being here and we are all going to miss your long-stretched-out stories and heartfelt talks. You have touched the lives of many, far beyond our imagination and we are truly grateful and privileged to of been here during the same time as you.


Servant leadership is the foundation of all that we are taught at Chev. It underpins all that we do, as students, teachers, staff. It means to give and not take, to treat others with kindness and respect. It means to serve your community to the best of your abilities and hold their needs at the forefront of your heart. Mr McDermott has indeed served our college over the past 15 years. As a servant leader, he has led us all with love and courage, and guided us with humility and respect. He works tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring that we all have a second home at Chev. He works even now, so close to the end, and I’m sure that he’ll go straight back to work tomorrow. We’ve heard so many wonderful anecdotes and stories about him from students in each year, and it is clear that he has made such an incredible impact on all of us. On behalf of the student body, we thank you Mr McDermott. We thank you for all the care and effort you have put into this school and for everything that you have done for all of us. We are sad to see you go, but your legacy will remain at Chev for the years to come. As a token of our gratitude, we would like to present you with a gift, on behalf of all the students.


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