Chapter, Days 6/7 … Discussion. Ballots, ballots. Getting there
Most of these days in discussion groups on the key documents of the Chapter. They will be voted on tomorrow.
Graham Neist FMS, Chapter facilitator
The other highlight was elections. We posted the news of Stephen Hackett’s election as Provincial yesterday.
Our Scrutineers: Bartha, Tinh, Pat Mara, Phil Reilly (veteran of many chapters)
Today it was the election of two delegates and their substitutes for the forthcoming General Chapter.
Tim Brennan overseeing the voting with canonical and Roman accuracy and aplomb
Delegates for the General Chapter, Sept-Oct 2023
First delegate, John Mulrooney;
second delegate, Peter Carroll
first substitute, Peter Hendriks
second substitute, Chris McPhee
Leading the liturgy, Tru Nguyen
And a pictorial bonus – with Vincent Long OFMConv. after the Mass.