Weekend Chapter Photos, Part 2: Who’s who at the microphone.
Packing up
There were others who spoke - in alphabetical order - but there were some who spoke, shall we say, ‘not infrequently’.
Russell Andersen - second senior at the Chapter, professed 1955
Tim Brennan
Paul Browne
Brian Cahill
Vince Carroll
Paul Cashen
Paul Castley, senior at the Chapter, professed 1955
Michael Fallon, third senior at the Chapter, professed 1955
Dominic Gleeson
Bob Irwin
Paul Jennings
John Kelliher
Peter Malone
Philip Malone
Greg McCann
Gerard McCormick
Chris McPhee
Claude Mostowik
John Mulrooney
Khoi Nguyen
Roger Purcell
Kimi Vunivesilevu