Wednesday, 03 May 2023 22:42

Chapter, this time the Philippines Province

Chapter, this time the Philippines Province

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With an MSC General Chapter in September, Provinces all over the congregation are having their own Chapters. In the last six months, we have reported on Chapters in Indonesia, PNG, the Pacific.

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From the Philippines: We would like to extend our gratitude for untiringly co-journeying with us through your prayers. We also adhere your continuous support and prayers as we make flesh of whatever had been the matters during the chapter.

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Thanks a lot Chris Chaplin for a wonderful Chapter. The pray-listen-talk dynamic in the process of communal wisdom was very enriching.

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Efrenfajardo Fajardo acknowledges the Facebook photos

Thanks, Chris, for sharing some shots of the just concluded Philippine Chapter. Hope to see in the coming years. God bless you as you continue helping the different MSC provinces in our efforts to make The Sacred Heart be known and loved everywhere.

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