China/Hong Kong, 2017, 10 minutes, Colour.
Jackie Chan, Show Lo, Na-Na OuYang, Erica Xia-Hou, Callan Mulvey, Kym Gyngell, Damian Garvey, Gillian Jones.
Directed by Leo Zhang.
The main reason for seeing this action show is Jackie Chan, longtime veteran of so many action films, in Hong Kong, Australia, the United States. Jackie Chan has been popular in films for many decades – and, even in his 60s, is not giving up on action, demonstrating his skills, and good camera angles, for a range of fights.
Much of the film was made in Sydney, capitalising on Sydney and is scenery, harbour, harbour bridge, and, especially, the Opera house with Jackie Chan and his opponent fighting on the top of the sales of the Opera house!
The film opens with lots of action, Jackie Chan has a special operator, having to rescue a scientist involved in experimentation is, set on by a squad of masked militia, led by something of a mutant.
Then the action moves to filmmaking, the ideas of a film writer, and the translation of these ideas into an actual scenario.
For those interested in the action, complicated plot and the science fiction and fantasy elements may not be important. For audiences wanting to work out what is actually happening, much more difficult. It involves Chan, his searching for a young girl who is the subject of the experimentation, a young man who becomes attached to her, target of Chan, it everybody combining for final confrontation, aided by one of the agents, Susan, who worked with Chan in the initial saving of the scientist.
Members of the Australian cast include Kym Gyngell as the scientist, Damian Garvey as the screenwriter, Callum Mulvaney as the mutant, Gillian Jones as a witch.
For the action fans – for others, take it or leave it.