Wednesday, 18 October 2023 22:26

Reflection on the General Chapter – John Mulrooney MSC And with Pope Francis

Reflection on the General Chapter – John Mulrooney MSC

And with Pope Francis

jm again Copy


At the end of the General Chapter the “Oceanic Territory” group met and we agreed to make a short video on various issues at the Chapter. We also agreed we would write a short personal reflection on the Chapter to be sent out to our various Province members….

When the facilitator asked us at the end of the chapter: “What has touched your heart?” my first thought went to something the Dutch Provincial said at one stage: “Our life’s work is done”. The 26 members of the Province are elderly but still they give life to other Provinces through their extensive resources and continuing interest in the life of the MSC worldwide. The Dutch, along with the French and the Belgians will be working on the process of become a ‘European Union’ later in 2024.

3D 021 Trird day WEB jm

We set a ‘cracking pace’ at the Chapter. Starting at 8.30 and finishing at 7.30 pm with dinner, with a one hour break after lunch meant some weary souls from time to time. There were so many important issues to be addressed – declining Provinces, restructuring, working more across Provinces, thinking ‘internationally’, safeguarding, ongoing formation, JPIC, laity of the Chevalier family and so on. I was dreading the work on all the changes to the Constitutions however the work that was done by the Commission prior to the Chapter (thanks to Tim Brennan and Carl Tranter in particular) made it smooth sailing. At the previous chapter thirteen changes were presented and only one got passed!!!

With all our cultural differences – we are all in our hearts one! We all have our own journey’s of ups and downs and through it all we try to love with a human heart. Our struggles are the same; we all have the same issues day to day in our communities and ministries. I think most of us were very glad that we were there and we came away inspired and enriched by the goodness of the men; the extent of the challenges so many face. It was obvious the charism lived in each one of us lift us up and provides an answer to the many issues we face in our own countries.

This was my fourth General Chapter and my last. It is the best one I have been to. We certainly provided the General Administration plenty to work on in the coming years!!!

A last quote from the Chapter: “If you are not the message, what’s the message”?


1D 006 First day WEB hall

John Mulrooney MSC