Kenji Konda, our deacon in Japan, delves into the archives for Archie Bryson MSC.
A group photo of the pioneers of the mission in Japan. Archie Bryson is the tall/tallest one.
Kenji’s Master’s thesis focussed on the founding of the MSC Mission in Japan.
From Jim Littleton's chapter on Archie Bryson as a remarkable MSC. In 1946 he was senior chaplain with rank of lieutenant colonel, with the British Occupation Forces in Japan. He assisted Harry Reid in the founding of the Japanese mission and when Harry Reid returned to Australia, took over from him and was the principal in establishing the MSC Mission in Japan. From 1950 to 1956 he was Superior and, from 1966, he was Priest-in-Charge of the Tokyo house. He returned from Japan shortly before his death.
This looks like John XXIII. In fact, Archie Bryson was a guest of honour of Japan Airlines for their inaugural fligt to Rome in1963,
His lifelong love of literature was perhaps not so well-known. He had his own collection of poems. He also wrote a Digest and Commentary on “Laws of Japan applicable to the Church”; he edited and published for several years a Catholic Newsletter, “Tosei News”, and he was press correspondent for the NCWC. He was also secretary general of the Bishops’ Conference in Japan. Paul VI decorated him with the Cross of Leo, Pro Ecclesia et a please it Pontifice, and he was an invited guest in 1960 at a garden party given by His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Japan, those who had given distinguished service to the nation. He was physically big, and his mind, heart and vision matched.