Tuesday, 02 January 2024 22:39

MSC in Canberra, 2024

MSC in Canberra, 2024

 kippax preists

A memory of the celebration of the memory of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of St John’s parish Kippax with several priests who have served there: back, Frank Dineen, Michael Fallon, John Bosman; front: Michael Nithin, Chris McPhee, Kimi Vunivesilevu, Gerard McCormick, Mark Hanns.

 book act

MSC have been in Canberra since 1960 when we opened the Monastery on the Federal Highway as our Philosophy student house, closed at the end of 1973 when all students were at Croydon (the Monastery open for almost ten years after this as archive house). Then Daramalan opened in 1962. Kippax parish in the early 1970s.


Now 2024

Priest-in-Residence, Charnwood – Fr Gerard McCormick MSC

g and musci

Gerard is a music man

Priests at Kippax – Fr Tru Nguyen,

tru animals

Tru shows a pastoral bent

Fr Chung Minh Tran

chung koala

Koala meets Chung

The Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn has asked that the bringing together of the neighbouring parishes of Charnwood


and Kippax


proceed and has initiated the process for this to occur. Fr Tru Nguyen MSC, Fr Chung Minh Tran MSC and Fr Gerard McCormick MSC have been appointed priests in solidum, that is, with each having the faculties of a parish priest, and Fr Tru Nguyen, already appointed Parish Priest of Kippax, has been appointed Moderator of the two parishes.


Tru will continue in the chaplaincy at Daramalan. The photo below is a sign of what he can look forward to when he finishes at the College, as Kimi has after six years.

kimi dara 

However, Kimi is not lost to Canberra – his spirit will pervade from St Mary’s Towers as he is the Community Leader, including Canberra.