Friday, 21 June 2024 22:24

Some weekend stories and photos

Some weekend stories and photos

pauls adelaide Copy

The Vocation team recently visited the two Pauls.

Paul Cashen and Paul McCormack are still actively involved in chaplaincy work in Adelaide, and they are very committed to spreading our heart spirituality in their ministries.

vocats pamplets

Vocation pamphlets display


Chevalier Institute: Anne provides us with the following.


Most recently, the Institute was with leaders from the three OLSH schools, presenting an abridged Heart-Centred Leadership programme at the annual OLSH Links Leadership Conference, this year hosted by OLSH Adelaide.


The Journey to the Heart programme was offered 27 May-31 May at St Mary’s Towers, and was well supported by each of the MSC schools.  The wonderful group of retreatants enjoyed greatly engagement with Fr Kimi and Fr Claude and others, beautiful weather and traditional MSC hospitality in the peaceful and picturesque surrounds of St Mary’s Towers. A special thanks to Greg McCann for transporting participants to and from the airport with an informative tourist commentary on the way.


Bishop-Elect Simon Mani MSC first visit to Kiribati after his appointmentm - his episcopal ordination will take place in July.

simon in kiribati