The print magazine, MSC, began publishing in 2018. It features articles and photos and some Province information. The present edition is Spring 2019.
Visitors to the site who would like to receive copies by mail, please contact the executive assistant to the Provincial at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone (02) 9665 8999.
This issue is something of a souvenir, featuring a number of articles on MSC Vietnam, some history, visits exloring the North, articles by MSC students about their vows and ordinations. Plenty of photos.
The are also some tributes to veteran MSC, articles on some MSC College activities at Downlands and Chevalier and on the withdrawal from Hindmarsh parish, Adelaide. There are also some articles on Heart Spirituality by Alison McKenzie, Director of the Chevalier Institute,,Tony Arthur MSC, Belgian Assistant General Andre Claessens MSC and Irish MSC Diarmuid O’Murchu as well as Chris McPhee from the 2019 Province Conference.
[And with the texture of the glossy paper used in the magazine, photos come up better than on the site!]