RIP, Reg Pritchard MSC

We received the sad news this morning that Br. Reg Pritchard MSC, passed away peacefully at 6.30 am at St Joseph's Aged Care, Kensington (NSW). Reg would have celebrated 64 years of MSC profession on 26 February and his 100th birthday in September.
Reg was professed on 26 February 1961 and remained in the St Mary's Towers Community, Douglas Park (NSW) until 1967. He was then appointed to Chevalier College, where he worked for the next 17 years, before being appointed back to St Mary's Towers, where he remained until he moved into St Joseph's Aged Care, Kensington (NSW).
We acknowledge with gratitude the staff of St Joseph's who cared for Reg over recent years, and particularly over the last few days as his health deteriorated.