VE Day, 75th Anniversary of the end of the war in Europe, May 8th
These days there is language of the war on covid-19, that we are living in a war situation. The 75th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe, after almost six years of living in occupation, blitzes, armed combat is celebrated on May 8th.
In the last week or so, we have had 75 years since opening of Dachau concentration camp, Hitler’s death, the taking of Berlin
How much parallel is there between our times and the war? There is a lot of war rhetoric.
Today, we take the opportunity to remind ourselves of MSC history during those years, the Nazi occupation of France, Belgium, Holland. The experiences of the German provinces in wartime. The involvement of war chaplains in Australia and English-speaking countries. Issoudun was bombed in June 1940.
In August, we will remember the dropping of the atomic bombs, the surrender of the Japanese and the end of the war in the Pacific – with its repercussions for the Philippines, Indonesia, China, Papua New Guinea, the United States and Australia.
VE Day, Melbourne 1945