Friday, 15 May 2020 22:06

Laughter in times of pandemic stress.

Laughter in times of pandemic stress.

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With some relaxation of restrictions in some parts of Australia, there is some relief.  But laughter is a great relief in times of stress.

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Research has shown that the health benefits of laughter are far-ranging. Studies so far have shown that laughter can help relieve pain, bring greater happiness, and even increase immunity. Positive psychology names the propensity for laughter and sense of humor as one of the 24 main signature strengths one can possess.

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  • Physical release: Have you ever felt like you have to laugh or you'll cry? Have you experienced that cleansed feeling after a good laugh? Laughter provides a physical and emotional release.

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       Distraction: Laughter brings the focus away from anger, guilt, stress, and negative emotions in a more beneficial             way than other mere distractions.

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  • Social benefits: Laughter connects us with others. Just as with smiling and kindness, most people find that laughter is contagious. So, if you bring more laughter into your life, you can most likely help others around you to laugh more and realize these benefits as well. By elevating the mood of those around you, you can reduce their stress levels and perhaps improve the quality of social interaction you experience with them, reducing your stress level even more!

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From the site: verywellmind.