Announcing an Online Retreat from St Mary's Towers.
Online Retreat 15-20 June 2020 - Meeting God in Silence and Solitude
St Mary’s Towers Retreat Centre, Douglas Park
Presenter: Michelle Vass
When Elijah meets God at Horeb, not in the dramatic signs of wind, earthquake and fire, but in the sound of sheer silence, a voice asks him, “What are you doing here?
(1 Kings 19:11-13).”
We too might have heard these words during the recent months of staying home in Corona-time. What are you doing here? What are you doing here in the midst of family or community, enjoying the quieter time and perhaps still longing for space, for silence, for solitude? What are you doing here, those who live alone, in this imposed silence and solitude?
We have a rich spiritual tradition in Christianity informing us that silence is the guardian of our hearts and the indispensable means for our inner growth in prayer. Jesus himself knew the importance of silence and solitude, going out to the mountain at night to pray (Lk 6:12), and encouraging us to go into the room of our heart, to close the door and pray to God in secret (Mt6:6). All the prophets before him encountered God in silence and solitude, and the great mystics of our tradition also knew their power.
This retreat seeks to explore the ways in which we meet God in silence and solitude. While some will find this easier to do in a physical space of silence and solitude, ultimately we are seeking a solitude of heart in companionship with the Holy One who calls us into Love.
The retreat will consist of a daily online reflection at 10:30 am. This will be delivered using Microsoft Teams, a form of Skype. Instructions for access will be provided upon registration. The retreat will be delivered in keeping with our usual practice, however there will be brief opportunities for sharing prayer or a simple comment on the first and last days only. If you wish to reflect with another on your retreat experience, spiritual accompaniment will be available with members of the Retreat Team by phone or online, throughout. Reflection material from the daily sessions will be available on the website to access at your own pace during the retreat.
Please email the Administrator to register: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by indicating your name, phone number and option (1,2 or 3) and any request for spiritual accompaniment. Payment can be made online:
Account: St. Mary’s Towers
A/C: 29783100
BSB: 062 784
Commonwealth Bank
Please notify the Administrator with your details when you have made an EFT payment
Cost 2020: All tariffs are negotiable
Option 1 $50-200 to participate (depending on your financial situation)
Option 2 $200 for daily spiritual accompaniment with online presentations included
Option 3 $40 per session of spiritual accompaniment by phone or online including online presentations