Tuesday, 10 November 2020 22:38

3 Stories: Kensington, Tapini, Henley Beach.

3 Stories:  Kensington, Tapini, Henley Beach.



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After John O'Connor MSC made a speech for John Kelliher

On November 1st, there was a handing over ceremony.  John Kelliher was farewelled as Community Leader of the Kensington campus. He will be parish priest in Nightcliff, NT. Steve Dives will complete his term as Deputy Provincial and will become Community leader in Kensington.



A message from Brian Cahill from Tapini, PNG.


Casmiro with Tapini community

“With sadness I am advising that Fr Casmiro Kito msc passed away at the POM General Hospital.   Casmiro is known to many Australian MSC, and has been resident at Kensington Monastery in recent years while undergoing medical treatment in Australia.

Casmiro is from Tapini and joined the MSC in 1998 as a candidate at Channel College in Rabaul.  He was ordained by Bishop Rochus Tatamai mac at Tapini in 2011, and he was my assistant in the parish and chaplain to SHSS till the end of 2018, when health issues required him to transfer to POM.  

Casmiro had been in declining health over the last year following a second stroke which was brought on by failing kidneys and a heart condition.  At the end he died peacefully, with myself, Sr Gabriella OLSH and Sr Rosemary OLSH present.    

A much loved son, brother, MSC confrere and priest - a friend to many.   The People of Tapini and Goilala, in particular, are in mourning at the loss of this wonderful man, as are a great many others who knew him.   Funeral details are yet to be finalised by the MSC provincialate.”


Henley Beach

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Pat Lo Presti

Noel Mansfield MSC has sent news of the ordination of Pasquale (Pat) Lo Presti for the archdiocese of Adelaide. He was brought up here and attended Star of the Sea School and Blackfriars College. When he moved to Sydney, he attended mass at Randwick. Fr Pat celebrated his Mass of thanksgiving here at Henley. Paul Cashen and I concelebrated with him.

pat lo presti henley

Pat Lo Presti concelebration, Noel and Paul