Thursday, 04 February 2021 22:08

First Friday, Chevalier Family. Justice Challenge

First Friday, Chevalier Family.  Justice Challenge

Feb Eng

Each First Friday, the Chevalier Family offers us a Justice, Peace, Environment reminder and challenge.

MSC Spirituality, OLSH, MSC, Lay MSC Justice Spirituality.


Awareness: Everything and everyone is interconnected. The crisis in our world cannot be resolved by purely technological means, but requires a new way of living and interacting with each other.

Prayer: Creator God, we can choose to live differently. Inspire us as we make choices so that we recognize the impact that our lives have on our environment and our human family around the globe.

Action: What little changes can you make in your lifestyle to live more sustainably? Choose at least one concrete action that you will do, beginning this month.


A further notice for the coming week

Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking

first friday

February 8th: Online Marathon of Prayer against Human Trafficking