Saturday, 18 September 2021 18:47
UK, 1964, 137 minutes, Colour.
Stanley Baker, Michael Caine, Jack Hawkins, James Booth, Ulla Jacobssen, Nigel Green, Patrick Magee, Gary Bond, Bernard Bresslaw.
Directed by Cy Endfield.
Zulu is an intelligent action spectacle which should prove popular to most audiences. Basically, the story is of a heroic withstanding of a siege by the Zulus in 1879 and the final acknowledgement by the Zulus themselves of the heroism and courage of the British. Besides the action the clash of personalities has its own interest. Michael Caine made his first major appearance in this film in a role which is different from later roles. Good adventure.
1. Was this film anything more than a spectacular 'Saturday Matinee' show?
2. A great deal of trouble was taken in filming in Natal and coaching Zulu warriors for battle scenes and celebrations. Was this all effective? Did it give authenticity to the film?
3. The film was very British in its presentation, structure (with narrative), and English and Welsh 'types'. Was it too British or was it an honest presentation of good points as well as bad?
4. Were the Zulus presented fairly and justly?
5. What was the point of introducing Pastor Witt and Margaretha - during the celebrations (and Margaretha’s fears), at the station, their desire to go, his warning that all would die, his blind reliance on faith and psalms, his drinking and his final shouting to the men? Why did the Zulus let them pass?
6. What kind of man was the Engineer - in building the bridge, in taking command over Bromhead? His decisions, how wise, thoughtful, heroic (too heroic?), afraid? How well did he and Bromhead work together? Why?
7. What kind of man was Bromhead, especially on first seeing him 'on safari'? His distinction between professionals and amateurs? His authority? Why did he cede command? Was he a weak character? How did he change during the battle? How heroic was he? How did the battle finally affect him?
8. Comment on the contribution of the minor characters to the film and to our appreciation of the situation - e.g., the Colour-Sergeant? and his sense of duty, Hook and his malingering, the Welsh singers, the young sentry, the doctor.
9. How well done was the preparation for battle and the battle itself? Why were the battle sequences successful filming? How strategically interesting was the film? Was this conveyed well cinematically?
10. How were the Zulus presented during the battle in comparison with the British? Why were the leaders so carefree as regards dying men?
11. Why was the battle fought? Was it necessary?
12. What was the impact of the final sequences, especially the tribute from the Zulus?
13. What comment on war and bloodshed did the film make?
14. What was the effect of the nation about Victoria Crosses? Was this a satisfactory war adventure in theme and content?