Saturday, 18 September 2021 18:50

Monster Man


US, 2003, 95 minutes, Colour.
Directed by Michael Davis.

A poster blurb announces that this slasher film is Jeepers Creepers meets Duel meets The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The makers of these films have serious grounds for both plagiarism suits and plagiarising badly suits – well, perhaps not Texas Chainsaw because by the time the film reaches this rip-off it gets a little more interesting in a gory kind of way. Other than that it is too stupid to be funny or scary. Direction is basic (or below). The screenplay is both crass and lame, the acting is terrible, especially with a charisma-less leading man in Eric Schumann, Justin Urich as a gross motormouth and Aimee Brooks starting as a highway vamp and ending up even more so. Only for those who feel they need to see every Massacre derivative (and even then…?)
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